10 Wonders of the Rosary | Calloway, Donald H., MIC | Book | Prayer |
1001 Reasons Why It's Great to be Catholic | Haddad, Robert M. | Book | Misc |
101 Questions & Answers on the Eucharist | Dimock, Giles O.P. | Book | Sacraments |
101 Questions & Answers on Vatican II | Sullivan, Maureen | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Spiritual Growth |
33 Days to Greater Glory | Gaitley, Michael E. MIC | Book | Laity |
33 Days to Morning Glory | Gaitley, Michael, E. MIC | Book | Mary |
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass | Sri, Edward | Book | Sacraments |
A Book of Hours | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
A Catechism of Catechism of Catholic Social Teaching | Darring, Gerald | Book | What Catholics Believe |
A Catechumen's Lectionary | Hamma, Robert M. | Book | Clergy |
A Christological Catechism | Fitzmyer, Joseph A. S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
A Commentary of the New Testament | The Catholic Biblical Association, 1942 | Book | Reference |
A Concise Guide to Canon Law - A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministers | McKenna, Kevin E. | Book | Clergy |
A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching | McKenna, Kevin E. | Book | Laity |
A Crucified Christ in Holy Week | Brown, Raymond E. S.S. | Book | Bible Related |
A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death | DVD | DVD | Christian Living |
A Father Who Keeps his Promises | Hahn, Scott | Book | Misc |
A Foretaste of Heaven, A New Day in the Life of Marriage and the Family | Bollman, Steve | CD | Sacraments |
A Friendship Like No Other - Experiencing God's Amazing Embrace | Barry, William A. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
A Gift of Hope | Melendez, Tony | Book | Stories |
A Good Life - Benedict's Guide to Everyday Joy | Benson, Robert | Book | Bible Related |
A Grammar of Assent | Newman, John Henry Cardinal | Book | Sacraments |
A Grief Observed | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
A Guide to the Passion - 100 Questions about The Passion of The Christ | Ascension Press | Book | Reference |
A Handbook of Catholic Sacramentals | Ball, Ann | Book | Sacraments |
A Lighthearted View of Wisdom in the Bible | Fischer, James A. C.M | Book | Bible Related |
A Little Inside | Families | DVD | Christian Living |
A Popular History of the Catholic Church | Koch, Carl | Book | Historic |
A Practical Guide to Bringing Those You Love Back to the Church | Gress, Carrie | Book | Coming Home |
A Prayerbook of Favorite Litanies | Hebert, Father Albert J., S.M. | Book | Prayer |
A Priest's Life The Calling, The Cost, The Joy | O'Brien, Archbishop Edwin F. | Book | Laity |
A Primer on Law for DRE's and Youth Ministers | Shaughnessy, Mary Angela SCN | Book | Clergy |
A Retreat With Therese of Lisieux Loving Our Way Into Holiness | Obbard, Elizabeth Ruth O.D.C. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
A Sacremental People | Drumm, Michael and Gunning, Tom | Book | Clergy |
A Saint's Name - A Comprehensive Listing of Christian and Biblical Names | Koenig-Bricker, Woodeene | Book | Saints |
A Scientist Researches Mary The Ark of the Covenant | Bartholomew, Courtenay M.D | Book | Mary |
A Scientist Researches Mary, The Ark of the Covenant | Bartholomew, Courtenay, M.D. | Book | Mary |
A Scriptual Rosary - The Mysteries of Christ | Sabbag, Nancy | Book | Prayer |
A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul | Canfield, Jack | Book | Women & Men |
A Spiritual Aeneid | Knox,Ronald | Book | Coming Home |
A Spiritual Companion | Hume, Cardinal | Book | Prayer |
A Summary of the Seven Sacraments | Daughters of St. Paul | Book | Sacraments |
A Teacher of Strange Things | Kellett, Cy | Book | Reference |
A User-Friendly Parish - Becoming a More Welcoming Community | Kollar, Judith Ann | Book | Clergy |
A Vacation With the Lord | Green, Thomas H. S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
A Well-Built Faith | Paprocki, Joe | Book | Reference |
Ablaze Faith - Stories of Daring Teen Saints | Swain, Colleen | Book | Saints |
Abortion - A Mother's Plea for Maturnity and the Unborn | Hagan, Marybeth T. | Book | Stories |
Abortion - Catholic Answers | Horn, Trent | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Abortion A Mother's Plea for Maternity and the Unborn | Hagan, Marybeth T. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
According To John. The Witness of the Beloved Disciple | O'Grady, John F. | Book | Bible Related |
Achieving Peace of Heart | Irala, Narciso, S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Action - Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way, Cycle C | Link, Mark, S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Address Unknown | Families | DVD | Christian Living |
Adult Catechesis Basic Parish Programs | Hill, Marie and Brennan | Book | Clergy |
Advent with Saint Teresa of Calcutta - Daily Meditations | Saxton, Heidi Hess | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Alcoholics Anonymous | Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. | Book | Self Help |
Amazing Grace - A Vocabulary of Faith | Norris, Kathleen | Book | Stories |
American Saint - The Life of Elizabeth Seton | Barthel, Joan | Book | Saints |
Among Friends Stories from the Journey | Sichko, Father Jim | Book | Stories |
An Anthology of Mysticism | De Jaegher, Paul S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
An Illustrated History of The Popes Saint Peter to John Paul II | Walsh, Michael | Book | BXV / Pope |
An Important Office of Immense Love, A Handbook for Eucharistic Ministers | Champlin, Joseph M. | Book | Laity |
An Introduction to the New Testament | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | Reference |
An Invitation to Joy | John Paull II | Book | BXV / Pope |
And God Said What? | Ralph, Margaret Nutting | Book | Bible Related |
Angels and Demons - Catholic Answers | Driscol, Fr. Mike | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Angels and Saints, A Biblical Guide to Friendship With God's Holy Ones | Hahn, Scott | Book | Reference |
Anne, The Life of Venerable Anne de Guigne | By a Benedictine Nun of Stanbrook | Book | Saints |
Answers, Not Promises | Mother Angelica | Book | Self Help |
Anthony of Padua Saint of the People - His Life, Legends and Popular Devotions | Wintz, Jack O.F.M. | Book | Saints |
Antioch & Rome | Brown, Raymond and Meier, John P. | Book | Historic |
Apparitions & Revelations - Catholic Answers | O'Neill, Michael | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Are You Out There God? | McGeady, Sister Mary Rose | Book | Stories |
As I Have Done for You - A Pastoral Letter on Ministry | Mahony, Cardinal Roger | Book | Clergy |
As It Was Written - An Introduction to the Bible | Taylor, Justin | Book | Bible Related |
Ascent of Mount Carmel | John of the Cross | Book | Saints |
Assisi Art and History in the Centuries | Cianchetta, Romeo | Book | Historic |
Atheism - Catholic Answers | Fradd, Matt | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Baby Jesus is Born | Truitt, Gloria A. | Book | Stories |
Bakhita Tells Her Story | Dagnino, Maria Luisa | Book | Saints |
Baltimore Catechism - An Explanation | Kinkead, Rev. Thomas L. | Book | Catechism |
Baltimore Catechism - The Third Council of Baltimore | Tan Books | Book | Catechism |
Baltimore Catechism No. 1 | Kinkead, Rev. Thomas L. | Book | Catechism |
Baltimore Catechism Two | The Third Plenary Council of Baltimore | Book | Catechism |
Baptism and Beyond Preparing for Baptism and Nurturing Your Child's Spirituality | Coffey, Kathy | Book | Sacraments |
Basic Communities - A Practical Guide for Renewing Neighborhood Churches | Maney, Thomas | Book | Clergy |
Basic Judaism | Steinberg, Rabbi Milton | Book | Historic |
Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas Vol. 1 | Pegis, Anton C. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas Vol. 2 | Pegis, Anton C. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Be Healed - A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life | Schuchts, Bob | Book | Self Help |
Be With Me Lord - Prayers for the Sick | Martini, Rodney J. S.M. | Book | Laity |
Beautiful Hope Finding Hope Every Day in a Broken World | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Stories |
Beautiful Mercy Experiencing God's Unconditional Love | Dynamic Catholic | Book | Misc |
Becoming Catholic Even If You Happen To Be One | Kilgallon.M,Oshaunessy,WeberJ. Kilgallon M. Oshaughnessy,O.P. G. Weber | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 1 | Burnham, Jim and Chacon, Fr. Frank | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 1 Study Guide | Burnham, Jim and Wood, Steve | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 2 | Fr. Frank Chacon and Burnham, Jim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 2.5 | Fr. Frank Chacon and Burnham, Jim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 3 | Fr. Frank Chacon and Burnham, Jim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 4 | Fr. Frank Chacon and Burnham, Jim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Beginning Apologetics 5 | Fr. Frank Chacon and Burnham, Jim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Behold My Heart - Which has so Loved Men | Koester, Charles R., S.T.D. | Book | Bible Related |
Being Catholic Today | Ghezzi, Bert | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Believing Catholic | Pilarczyk, Archbishop Daniel E. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Believing In Jesus | Foley, Leonard, O.F.M | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Ben-Hur A Race to Glory | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Benedict Up Close - The Inside Story of Eight Dramatic Years | Badde, Paul | Book | BXV / Pope |
Benedict XVI Last Testament in his own words | Seewald, Peter | Book | BXV / Pope |
Bernadette Out Lady's LIttle Servant | Pauli, Hertha | Book | Stories |
Bernadette The Princess of Lourdes | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Bible Basics for Catholics | Bergsma, Dr. John | Book | Historic |
Bible Basics: Discovering the Scriptural Basis for 70 Key Catholic Doctrines | Kellmeyer, Steve | Book | Bible Related |
Bible Digest - St.Joseph Edition NAB | Catholic Book Publishing Co. New York | Book | Reference |
Biblical Fundamentalism What Every Catholic Should Know | Witherup, Ronald D. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Big River Rescue | VeggieTales | DVD | Christian Living |
Blessed Among All Women | Ellsberg, Robert | Book | Saints |
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Mission of Charity | Glavich, Mary Kathleen, SND | Book | Saints |
Blessing Rites for Christian Lives | Madigan, Shawn CSJ | Book | Clergy |
Born Fundamentalist Born Again Catholic | Currie, David B. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue | Gray, Time and Martin, Curtis | Book | Women & Men |
Bread of Heaven - A Treasury of Carmelite Prayers and Devotions on the Eucharist | Hickey, Penny, O.C.D.S. | Book | Prayer |
Breaking Open the Lectionary | Ralph, Margaret Nutting | Book | Clergy |
Breaking the Chains Understanding Religious Addiction and Religious Abuse | Booth, Father Leo | Book | Self Help |
Broken Gods - Hope, Healing and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart | Popcak, Gregory K. Ph.D. | Book | Self Help |
Broken Mary | Matthews, Kevin | Book | Stories |
Building Better Families | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Misc |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - April | Butler | Book | Saints |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - August | Butler | Book | Saints |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - December | Butler | Book | Saints |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - February | Butler | Book | Saints |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - July | Butler | Book | Saints |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - March | Butler | Book | Saints |
Butler's Lives of the Saints - September | Butler | Book | Saints |
Byzantine Art and Civilization | Runciman, Steven | Book | Historic |
Called to be Holy | Dolan, Cardinal Timothy M. | Book | Self Help |
Can You Drink the Cup? | Nouwen, Henri J.M. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Caring for your Aging Parent - A Guide for Catholic Families | Dodds, Bill and Monica | Book | Self Help |
Catechetics: A Theology of Proclamation | McBride, Alfred, O.Praem | Book | Catechism |
Catechism of the Catholic Church | Liberia Editrice Vaticana | Book | Catechism |
Catechism of Vatican II | Pierini, Franco | Book | Catechism |
Catherine of Siena - A Biography | Baldwin, Anne B. | Book | Saints |
Catholic & Christian An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs | Schreck, Alan | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Catholic Answers to Common Objections | Staples, Tim | DVD | What Catholics Believe |
Catholic Answers to Fundamentalists' Questions | St. Romain, Philip | Book | Bible Related |
Catholic Bible Chronicles: 70 Bible Stories from Adam to the Apostles | Welborn, Amy | Book | Stories |
Catholic Bible Dictionary | Hahn, Scott | Book | Reference |
Catholic Common Ground Initiative | Bernardin, Cardinal Joseph and Lipscomb, Archbishop Oscar H. | Book | Catechism |
Catholic Evangelization: The Heart of Ministry | Hater, Rev. Robert J., Ph.D. | Book | Laity |
Catholic For A Reason, Scripture and the Mystery of the Family of God | Hahn, Scott & Suprenant, Leon, J, Jr. | Book | Catechism |
Catholic Home Schooling - A Handbook for Parents | Clark, Mary Kay | Book | Laity |
Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers | National Conference of Catholic Bishops | Book | Reference |
Catholic Mass for Dummies | Trigilio,Jr., Brighenti, Cafone | Book | Reference |
Catholic Picture Bible | Lovasik, Rev. Lawrence G.,S.V.D. | Book | Bibles |
Catholic Social Teaching - Our Best Kept Secret | DeBerri, Edward P. and Hug, James E. | Book | Catechism |
Catholic Thinkers in the Clear | Herr, William A. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Catholic to the Core | Baumann, Bruce | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Catholicism | Lubac, Henri de, S.J. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Catholicism - A Journey to the Heart of the Faith | Barron, Bishop Robert | CD | Catechism |
Catholicism - Study Edition | McBrien, Richard P. | Book | Reference |
Catholicism & Reason: The Creed and Apologetics | Hayes, Rev. Edward J., Hayes, Msgr. Paul J., & Drummey, James J. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Catholicism and Fundamentalism | Keating, Karl | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Catholicism for Dummies | Trigilio,Jr., Brighenti | Book | Reference |
Catholicism Today A Survey of Catholic Belief and Practice | Kohmescher, Matthew F. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Catholics and the New Age | Pacwa , Mitch S.J. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Catholics Come Home | Peterson, Tom | Book | Coming Home |
Celebrating Mother Angelica | EWTN Global Catholic Network | DVD | Reference |
Celebrating the Rites of Adult Initiation | Tufano, Victoria M. Editor | Book | Clergy |
Celebrations of the Word in the Year of St. Paul | Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite - The Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours | Elliot, Msgr. Peter J. | Book | Clergy |
Challenge | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Challenge A Daily Meditation Program | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Challenging Questions & Contemporary Answers for Vatican II Catholics | Songy, Msgr. James B. | Book | Reference |
Champions of Faith | DVD | DVD | Christian Living |
Champions of the Rosary | Calloway, Fr. Don | Book | Prayer |
Changes - A Spiritual Journey | Talbot, John Michael | Book | Stories |
Changing Sides - How a Pro-Life Presence Changed the Heart of a PP Director | Ignatius Press | DVD | Stories |
Charity in Truth - Caritas in Vertitate | Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Charity, Morality, Sex and Young People | Fox, Rev. Robert J. | Book | Laity |
Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul | Canfield, Jack | Book | Self Help |
Chief Truths of the Faith | Laux, Fr. John M.A. | Book | Catechism |
Children's Way of the Cross | Flanagan, Anne Joan, FSP | Book | Prayer |
Chosen and Cherished | Hahn, Kimberly | Book | Women & Men |
Christ in the Gospels of the Liturgical Year | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | Bible Related |
Christian Caregiving a Way of Life | Haugk, Kenneth C. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Christian Courtship in an Over Sexed World | Morrow, T.G. | Book | Self Help |
Christian Metaphysics | Tresmontant, Claude | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Christian Morality In the Breath of God | Connors, Russell B, Jr. Ph.D. | Book | Christian Living |
Church History | Laux, Rev. John M.A. | Book | Historic |
Church History Faith Handed On | Hughes, Kevin L. Ph.D. | Book | Historic |
Church History Volume One Christian Antiquity | Bihlmeyer, Karl | Book | Historic |
Clap Your Hands: A Young Catholic Encounters Christ | Tomczak, Larry | Book | Stories |
Close to the Heart - A Practical Approach to Personal Prayer | Silf, Margaret | Book | Prayer |
Co-Workers in the Vinyard of the Lord | USCCB | Book | Laity |
Columbus Adventures to the Edge of the World | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Come and Follow Me | Manelli, Fr. Stephano M. | Book | Laity |
Come Down Zacchaeus, Spirituality & The Laity | Green, Thomas H., S.J. | Book | Laity |
Come Follow Me - Resources for the Period of Inquiry in the RCIA | Sinwell, Joseph P. | Book | Clergy |
Come Home...The Door is Open - An Invitation to Reconciliation | D'Angelo, Louise | Book | Sacraments |
Come To See Me In the Blessed Sacrament | Lucia, Fr. Vincent Martin | Book | Sacraments |
Comfort for Grieving Hearts, Hope and Encouragement for Times of Loss | Roe, Gary | Book | Self Help |
Common Sense 101 - Lessons From G.K. Chesterton | Ahlquist, Dale | Book | Misc |
Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church | USCCB | Book | Catechism |
Compendium Catechism of the Social Doctrine of the Church | USCCB | Book | Reference |
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church | Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace | Book | Reference |
Conceived Without Sin | Macfarlane Jr., Bud | Book | Stories |
Concise Catholic Dictionary for Parents and Religion Teachers | Ekstrom, Reynolds R. | Book | Catechism |
Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor | Hunt, Allen | Book | Stories |
Confirmation Preparation for Young Catholics | Seton Press | Book | Laity |
Confusion in the Kingdom - How "Progressive" Catholicism Is Bringing Harm and Scandal to the Church | Horn, Trent | Book | Misc |
Connecting Pulpit and Pew - Breaking Open the Conversation about Catholic Preaching | Bellinger, Karla J. | Book | Laity |
Connecting With Parents | Spollen, Mary Twomey | Book | Laity |
Conscience in Conflist - How to Make Moral Choices | Overberg, Kenneth R. S.J. | Book | Self Help |
Consecration to Jesus Through Mary | Children of the Father Foundation | Book | Mary |
Consecration to St. Joseph - The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father | Calloway, | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Consoling the Heart of Jesus | Gaitley, Michael E. MIC | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Contemplative Prayer | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
Continental Ambitions - Roman Catholics in North America | Starr, Kevin | Book | Historic |
Conversation With Christ - The Teaching of St. Teresa of Avila about Personal Prayer | Rohrbach, Peter Thomas | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Conversing with God in Scripture - A Contemporary Approach to Lectio Divina | Binz, Stephen J. | Book | Prayer |
Converting the Baptized | O'Malley, William J., S.J. | Book | Clergy |
Coping with Cults | Miller, Maryann | Book | Self Help |
Creating a Culture of Life | Overberg Kenneth R. S.J. | Book | Women & Men |
Creating Small Church Communities | Baranowski, Arthur R. | Book | Clergy |
Credible Signs of Christ Alive | Hogan, John P. | Book | Laity |
Crossing the Goal | EWTN | DVD | Christian Living |
Crossing the Threshold of Hope | His Holiness John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Crossing the Tiber - Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church | Ray, Stephen K. | Book | Misc |
Dangers to the Faith - Recognizing Catholicism's 21st-Century Opponents | Kresta, Al | Book | Misc |
Dark Night of the Soul | St. John of the Cross | Book | Saints |
Darkness in the Marketplace - The Christian at Prayer in the World | Green, Thomas H. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Day by Day with Followers of Francis and Clare | McCloskey, Pat, O.F.M. | Book | Saints |
Death Into Life | Sheed, F.J. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Decision | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Defeating the Devil - Exorcists Tell Their Stories | Ignatius Press | DVD | Clergy |
Defending a Higher Law - Why We Must Resist Same-Sex "Marriage and the Homosexual Movement | Tradition, Family and Property Committee on American Issues | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Defending the Faith | Catholic Answers | DVD | Reference |
Delivered - True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned from Porn to Purity | Fradd, Matt | Book | Women & Men |
Design for Wholeness | Sofield, Juliano, Hammett | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus | Croiset, Fr. John, S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Devotional - The 40 day Journey Through the Life of Christ | 40 Days for Life | Book | Prayer |
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska | Kowalska, Maria Faustina | Book | Saints |
Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology | Doronzo, Emmanuel, OMI, STD, PhD | Book | Clergy |
Dictionary of the Bible | McKenzie, John L. S.J. | Book | Reference |
Diet, Discipline and Discipleship 3D | Showalter, Carol | Book | Self Help |
Dining With Pharisees | Mullen, J. Patrick | Book | Bible Related |
Discernment in Prayer Paying Attention to God | Barry, William A. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Discovering Your Dream - How Ignatian Spirituality Can Guide Your Life | Fagin, Gerald M. S.J. | Book | Self Help |
Divine Intimacy - Meditations on the Interior Life for Every Day of the Liturgical Year | Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Divine Mercy in My Soul | Kowalska, Sister M. Faustina | Book | Saints |
Divine Renovation Apprentice - Learning to Lead a Disciple-Making Parish | Lobo, Fr. Simon, CC | Book | Clergy |
Divorce & Remarriage - Catholic Answers | Blackburn, Jim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Doing Faith Justice | Kammer, Fred, S.J. | Book | Clergy |
Doing the Truth in Love | Himes, Michael J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Doors to the Sacred A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church | Martos, Joseph | Book | Sacraments |
Dorthy Day Writings from Commonweal | Jordan, Patrick | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Down to Earth, But Looking Up - Stories to Lift the Spirit | Costello, Andrew J. | Book | Stories |
Dying to Live - A Migrant's Journey | University of Notre Dame | DVD | Christian Living |
Early Christian Baptism and the Creed | Crehan, Joseph S.J | Book | Sacraments |
Early Medieval Art and Civilisation | Henderson, George | Book | Historic |
Embraced by Mary | Myers, Rawley | Book | Mary |
Embracing God's Plan for Marriage | Hart, Mark and Melanie | Book | Sacraments |
Embracing the Way of Jesus | Pope Francis | Book | BXV / Pope |
Encounters with Christ - Introduction to the Sacraments | Roberts, William P. | Book | Sacraments |
Ending Abortion | Pavone, Fr. Frank A. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Entering the Silence - The Journals of Thomas Merton | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
Essential Writings | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
Essentials for Christian Living | Libreria Editrice Vaticana, USCCCB | Book | Catechism |
Essentials of the Faith | McBride, Alfred O. Praem. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Eucharist | Barron, Bishop Robert | Book | Sacraments |
Eucharist God Among Us | McHugh, Joan Carter | Book | Sacraments |
Eucharistic Adoration: Reflections in the Franciscan Tradition | Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration | Book | Prayer |
Eucharistic Miracles | Cruz, Joan Carroll | Book | Stories |
Europe from Renaissance to Reformation | Hale, J.R. | Book | Historic |
Europe from Renaissance to Reformation | Elton, G.R. | Book | Historic |
Evalangelizing God's People in a Culture of Diversity | USCCB | DVD | Christian Living |
Every Day is a Gift - Minute Meditations for Every Day | Schroeder, Rev. Frederick | Book | Prayer |
Every Man's Journey - Becoming the Man God Intended | Campbell, James P. | Book | Women & Men |
Every Woman's Journey | Zeno, Katrina J. | Book | Women & Men |
Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody | Hunt, Allen | Book | Self Help |
Ex Libris | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Misc |
Excellent Catholic Parishes | Wilkes, Paul | Book | Historic |
Exellent Catholic Parishes The Guide to Best Place and Practices | Wilkes, Paul | Book | Clergy |
Experiencing Jesus His Story | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
Experiencing Jesus with Mother Teresa | Maalouf, Jean | Book | Saints |
Experiencing Mystagogy, The Sacred Pause of Easter | Baumbach, Ferard F. | Book | Coming Home |
Exploring the Catechism | Regan,Jane E, | Book | Catechism |
Exploring the Catechism of the Catholic Church | Shannon, William H. | Book | Catechism |
Exploring The Catholic Faith A Guide Through the Basics | McCabe, Herbert O.P. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Extreme Mercy - Fr. Donald Calloway's Conversion Story | Calloway, Fr. Don | DVD | Stories |
Faces of Holiness | Ball, Ann | Book | Saints |
Faces of Holiness II | Ball, Ann | Book | Saints |
Facing the Giants | Sony Pictures | DVD | Stories |
Faith Filled Catholic Women's Bible NAB | Fireside Catholic Publishing | Book | Bibles |
Faith, Not Convenience: 17 Reflections for Spiritual Consistency | Dankasa, Fr. Jacob | Book | Christian Living |
Faith, Reason, and the Gospels | Heaney, John J. S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
Father Brown of the Church of Rome - Selected Mystery Stories | Chesterton, G.K. | Book | Stories |
Father Damien and the Bells | Sheehan, Arthur and Elizabeth | Book | Stories |
Father Damien The Man and His Era | Bunson, Margaret R. | Book | Saints |
Father Smith Instructs Jackson | Noll, John Francis | Book | Misc |
Father Solanus - The Story of Solanus Casey, O.F.M. Cap. Unpdated | Odell, Catherine M. | Book | Saints |
Fathering the Next Generation | Jarema, William J. | Book | Women & Men |
Fatima | Rossi, Severo | Book | Historic |
Fatima Prayer Book | Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows | Book | Prayer |
Fatima The Great Sign | Johnston, Francis | Book | Historic |
Fatima: A message More Urgent Than Ever | Solimeo, Luiz Sergio | Book | Historic |
Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy | Lukaszewicz, Jerzy | DVD | Saints |
Faustina Saint for Our Times | Kosicki, Rev. George W. CSB | Book | Saints |
Feast of Faith | D'Ambrosio, Marcellino Ph.D. | DVD | Christian Living |
Fifty Days Plus Forever Daily Reflections for Easter | McIlhon, John J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Fifty-seven Saints: For Boys and Girls | Daughters of St. Paul | Book | Saints |
Fighting for Life - Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World | Rose, Lila | Book | Laity |
Fighting Mad - Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger | Guarendi, Dr. Ray | Book | Self Help |
Finding Fatima | Ignatius Press | DVD | Saints |
Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word - Meditations on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew | Leiva-Merkakis, Erasmo | Book | Reference |
Fire Within | Dubay, Thomas, SM | Book | Saints |
Fireproof | DVD | DVD | Christian Living |
Fireside Catholic Youth Bible - NEXT NAB | Fireside Catholic Publishing | Book | Bibles |
Fit for Heaven | Beattie,Trent | Book | Women & Men |
Flywheel | Sherwood Pictures | DVD | Stories |
Following Christ - Spiritual Thoughts Series | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Following Christ A Handbook of Catholic Moral Teaching | Lowery, Daniel L. C.SS.R. | Book | Catechism |
Footprints in the Snow | Marshall, Flint, Gordon, | Book | Stories |
Forgiving: Present Perfect | Halpin, Marlene Dominican | Book | Self Help |
Former Swedish Luthern/ Fr. Tobias Unnerstal - EWTN | The Journey Home | DVD | Coming Home |
Forming Intentional Disciples - The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus | Weddell, Sherry A. | Book | Reference |
Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco | Bacchiarello, Fr. J, SDB | Book | Saints |
Fostering Leadership Skills in Ministry, A Parish Handbook | Hiesberger, Jean Marie | Book | Laity |
Foundational Theology - Jesus and the Church | Fiorenza, Francis Schussler | Book | Clergy |
Francis of Assisi The Essential Writings, In His Own Words | Sweeney, Jon M. | Book | Saints |
Francis The Knight of Assisi | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Francis Xavier The Samurai's Lost Treasure | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Free Love True Love | Jason, Fr. Joel O. | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
From a Mother's Heart Stories of God's Faithfulness | Difata, Theresa Editor | Book | Women & Men |
From Aether To Cosmos | Bittle, Celestine N. O.F.M. Cap | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
From Dispair to Hope | Pontifical Council for the Family | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
From Jerusalem to Antioch - The Gospel Across Cultures | Crowe, Jerome | Book | Historic |
From Top Model to Role Model | Darrow, Leah | DVD | Stories |
Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit | Keating, Thomas | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Full of Grace | Benkovic, Johnnette S. | Book | Women & Men |
Fundamentalism What Every Catholic Needs to Know | Gilles, Anthony E. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Fundamentals of Faith | Fox, Fr. Robert J. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Gather Hymnal | GIA Publications, Inc. | Book | Reference |
General Directory for Catechesis - Congregation for the Clergy | USCCB | Book | Clergy |
Gift and Mystery | Pope John Paul II | CD | Spiritual Growth |
Gift and Mystery | Pope John Paul II | Voice | Vatican / John Paul II |
Girlfriends and Other Saints - Companions on my Journey of Faith | Tomeo, Teresa | Book | Stories |
Glories of the Precious Blood | Walz, Rev. Max F., C.PP.S | Book | Reference |
Go and Make Disciples | USCCB | Book | Laity |
Go In Peace - Your Guide to the Purpose and Power of Confession | Pacwa, M Fr. Mitch & Brown, Sean | Book | Sacraments |
God and Us | Groeschel, Benedict J. O.F.M., Cap | Book | Self Help |
God Is Near Us | Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger | Book | BXV / Pope |
God's Bucket List - Heaven's Surefire Way to Happiness in The Life and Beyond | Tomeo, Teresa | Book | Stories |
God's Choice - Pope Benedict XVI and the Future of the Catholic Church | Weigel, George | Book | BXV / Pope |
God's Doorkeeper St. Andre of Montreal | Ignatius Press | DVD | Saints |
God's Guide for Grandparents | Erschen, Susan M. | Book | Self Help |
God's Invisible Hand The Life and Work of Francis Cardinal Arinze | O'Connell, Gerard | Book | Clergy |
God's Not Dead | Pure Flix | DVD | Stories |
God's Perfect Plan Purgatory and Indulgences Explained | Staples, Tim | DVD | Reference |
Gothis Art and Civilisation | Henderson, George | Book | Historic |
Graced and Gifted | Hahn | Book | Women & Men |
Great Catholics | Williamson, Claude O.S.C. | Book | Saints |
Greatest Heros and Legends of the Bible | Good Times - Family | DVD | Christian Living |
Growing an Engaged Church | Winseman, Albert L. | Book | Laity |
Growing Consensus II | USCCB | Book | Laity |
Guadalupe - Mother of the New Creation | Elizondo, Virgil | Book | Saints |
Guide for Cancer Supporters | Bloch, Annette and Richard | Book | Self Help |
Guide for Sponsors | Lewinski, Ron | Book | Sacraments |
Hail, Holy Queen - The Mother of God in the Word of God | Hahn, Scott | Book | Mary |
Handbook for Spiritual Growth A Guide for Catholics | Roman, Philip ST. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Handbook of Catholic Apologetics | Kreeft, Peter J. & Tacelli, Ronald K. | Book | Reference |
Handbook of Sacraments for Today's Catechist | Springer, Joyce | Book | Sacraments |
Handed Down - The Catholic Faith of the Early Christians | Papandrea, James L. | Book | Historic |
He Leadeth Me | Ciszek, Walter J. S.J. | Book | Stories |
Healing Fears That May Paralyze | Ruane, Gerald P. Ph.D | Book | Self Help |
Healing the Spirit Stories of Transformation | McKay, Rev. Bobbie Ph.D. and Musil, Lewis A. | Book | Self Help |
Hearing Christ's Call | USCCB | Book | Women & Men |
Heart to Heart A Cardinal Newman Prayer Book | Newman, John Henry | Book | Prayer |
Heartbroken, Healing From the Loss of a Spouse | Roe, Gary | Book | Self Help |
Hearts Aflame, The Holy Spirit at the Heart of Christian Life Today | Schreck, Alan | Book | Reference |
Here. Now. A Catholic Guide to the Good Life | Welborn, Amy | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Hermie and the High Seas | Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends | DVD | Christian Living |
Highway to Heaven | Genesis International Films | DVD | Stories |
His Angels at Our Side - Understanding Their Power in Our Souls and the World | Horgan, Fr. John | Book | Reference |
History of the Catholic Church; From the Apostolic Age to the 3rd Millennium | Hitchcock, James | Book | Historic |
History of the English Church and People | Bede / Sherley-Price, Leo | Book | Historic |
Holiness Revolution | Dematte, Dan | Book | Stories |
Hope to Die - The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body | Hahn, Scott | Book | Misc |
How Christ Said the First Mass | Meagher, Father James L. D.D. | Book | Bible Related |
How God Loves Us Through the Church - Sunday Night Live | Groeschel, Father Benedict | DVD | Historic |
How Saints are Made | Dodds, Bill | Book | Saints |
How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul | Evert, Jason and Crystalina | Book | Women & Men |
How to Get to "I Do" - A Dating Guide for Catholic Women | Bonaccorso, Amy | Book | Women & Men |
How To Go To Confession When You Don't Know | LeBlanc, Ann M.S, | Book | Self Help |
How to Listen When God is Speaking; A Guide for Modern-Day Catholics | Pacwa, Fr. Mitch S.J. | Book | Self Help |
How to Pray With the Bible - The Ancient Prayer Form of Lectio Divina Made Simple | Schultz, Karl A. | Book | Prayer |
How to Read Your Bible | Filas, Francis L. S.J.,S.T.D. | Book | Bible Related |
How to Win an Argument Without Losing a Soul | Fradd, Matt | DVD | Reference |
Human Sexuality - A Catholic Perspective for Educating and Lifelong Learning | USCCB | Book | Women & Men |
Humility Rules - Saint Benedict's 12-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem | Wetta, J. Augustine O.S.B. | Book | Self Help |
Hundredfold - A Guide to Parish Vocation Ministry | Gruenewald, Rhonda | Book | Laity |
I Believe in Love | d'Elbee, Father Jean C.J. | Book | Self Help |
I Have Come to Set the Earth on Fire | Chomistek,John | Book | Stories |
I Loved Jesus in the Night - Teresa of Calcutta | Murray, Paul | Book | Saints |
I Saw Our Lady | Neary, Tom | Book | Mary |
I'm Not OK. You're Not OK. But It's OK! | Padgett, Chris | Book | Spiritual Growth |
If You Really Loved Me - 100 Questions on Dating, Relationships, and Sexual Purity | Evert, Jason | Book | Sacraments |
If Your Mind Wanders at Mass | Howard, Thomas | Book | Self Help |
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible - New Testament | Ignatius Press | Book | Reference |
Illustrated New Testament | Liturgical Press | Book | Bibles |
Imitating Mary Ten Marian Virtues for the Modern Mom | Fenelon, Marge | Book | Christian Living |
In His Spirit - A Guide to Today's Spirituality | Hauser, Richard S.J. | Book | Prayer |
In Memoriam Mother Mary Angelica, PCPA | EWTN | DVD | Historic |
In Search of Spiritual Identity | van Kaam, Adrian C.S.Sp. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
In the Footsteps of Pope John Paul II | Szostak, John M. | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
In the Heart of the World - Thoughts, Stories, & Prayers | Mother Teresa | Book | Saints |
In The Shadow of the Cross - The Seven Last Words of Jesus | Rowan, Stephen C. | Book | Bible Related |
Index to the Code of Canon Law | Courville, Robert W. | Book | Clergy |
Inside a Catholic Church A Guide to Signs, Symbols and Saints | Champlin, Joseph M. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics 100 Q & A's | Ali, Daniel and Spencer, Robert | Book | Misc |
Interior Castle - The Classic Text with a Spiritual Commentary | Billy, Dennis CSsR | Book | Saints |
Interpreting Jesus | O'Collins, Gerald | Book | Historic |
Interpreting Jesus - Introducing Catholic Theology | O'Collins, Gerald | Book | Reference |
Intimacy with God | Keating, Thomas | Book | Women & Men |
Into His Likeness | Sri, Edward | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Into My Arms - Bringing hope and healing to those suffering from the trauma of abortion | Heart Ministries | Book | Self Help |
Introduction to the Bible - A Catholic Guide to Studying Scripture | Binz, Stephen J. | Book | Bible Related |
Introduction to the Devout Life | De Sales, St. Francis | Book | Saints |
Introduction to the New Testament | Collins, Raymond F. | Book | Bible Related |
Is Peace Possible? Christian Palestinians Speak | The Justice and Peace Commission | Book | Historic |
Is The Virgin Mary Appearing at Medjugorje? | Martin, Francis | Book | Misc |
Islam - Catholic Answers | Bieszad, Andrew | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Jeanne Jugan - Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor | Milcent, Paul | Book | Historic |
Jehovah's Witness - Catholic Answers | Horn, Trent | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Jesus 2000: A Contemporary Walk with Jesus | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Jesus A Pilgrimage | Martin, James S.J. | Book | Stories |
Jesus According to a Woman | Wahlberg, Rachel Conrad | Book | Women & Men |
Jesus and First-Century Christianity in Jerusalem | McNamer, Elizabeth | Book | Historic |
Jesus and Mary in Art | Questar Entertainment/WNET | DVD | Historic |
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary | Pitre, Brant | Book | Mary |
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist - Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper | Pitre, Brant | Book | Sacraments |
Jesus Appreals to the World | Slaes, Lorenzo, I.M.C. | Book | Misc |
Jesus Decoded | USCCB | DVD | Christian Living |
Jesus Is My All in All - Praying with the "Saint of Calcutta" | Mother Teresa | Book | Prayer |
Jesus Living in Mary - The Consecration St. Louis De Montfort | EWTN Network | DVD | Saints |
Jesus of Nazareth | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Jesus the Bridegroom - The Divine Love Story in the Bible | Pitre, Dr. Brandt | CD | Bible Related |
Jesus' Pattern for a Happy Life - The Beatitudes | Norquist, Marilyn | Book | Reference |
Jimmy Swaggart made me Catholic | Staples, Tim | DVD | Misc |
John Paul II A Tribute in Words and Pictures | Levi, Monsignor Virgilio and Allison, Christine | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
John Paul the Great - Remembering A Spiritual Father | Noonan, Peggy | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Jon and the Little Lost Lamb | Latourette, Jane | Book | Stories |
Jonah | Veggie Tales, Big Idea Production | DVD | Christian Living |
Journey | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Journey to Sainthood | Lord, Bob and Penny | Book | Saints |
Journeys Home | Grodi, Marcus | Book | Coming Home |
Journeys of Courage - Remarkable Stories of the Healing Power of Community | Carol, Joy | Book | Stories |
Joy to the World - How Christ's Coming Changed Everything (and Still Does) | Hahn, Scott | Book | Bible Related |
Juan Diego Messenger of Guadalupe | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Jumpstart Your Parish Social Ministry | Amen | Book | Laity |
Kateri Tekakwitha | Brown, Evelyn M. | Book | Saints |
Keeping Up With Our Catholic Faith | Wintz, Jack O.F.M Editor | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Kingdom of Happiness - Living Beatitudes in Everyday Life | Kirby, Fr. Jeffrey, STD | Book | Laity |
Lay Hands on the Sick | Swizdor, Fr. Matthew | Book | Sacraments |
Lectionary for Mass Vol. I | NCCB | Book | Reference |
Lector's Guide to Biblical Pronunciations | Staudacher, Joseph M. | Book | Laity |
Legacy of Love, Biblical Wisdom for Parenting Teens and Young Adults | Hahn, Kimberly | Book | Reference |
Lenten Gospel Reflections | Barron, Bishop Robert | Book | Bible Related |
Lenten Journey -Living His Life Abundantly Radio | Sylvia, Fr. Edmund, CSC | CD | Misc |
Lepanto, The Battle That Saved the West | Check, Christopher | CD | Historic |
Let the Fire Fall | Scanlan, Michael T.O.R. | Book | Stories |
Let There be Light | Sorbo, Kevin and Hannity, Sean | DVD | Stories |
Letters on Spiritual Direction - Inspired by Saint John of the Cross | Muto, Susan | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Letters to Gabriel, the True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum | Santorum, Karen Garver | Book | Stories |
Letting God Come Close | Barry, William A. S.J. | Book | Self Help |
Liberalism is a Sin | Salvany, Fr. Felix Sarda Y | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Life and Holiness | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
Life Everlasting and The Immensity of the Soul | Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., Fr. Reginald | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Life in Christ | Killgallon, Weber, Ziegmann | Book | Reference |
Life is Worth Living | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Stories |
Life Is Worth Living | Sheen, Bishop Fulton J. D.D. | Book | Misc |
Life Lessons from the Monastery: Love, Prayer, Calling & Commitment | Kodell | Book | Women & Men |
Life of Christ | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Bible Related |
Life of Union with Mary | Neubert, Fr. Emile | Book | Mary |
Life's Greatest Lesson - What I've Learned From the Happiest People I Know | Hunt, Allen R. | Book | Stories |
Lift Up Your Heart, A Guide to Spiritual Peace | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Light of the World - The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Liturgy Made Simple | Searle, Mark | Book | Laity |
Liturgy: Work of the People | Freburger, William J. | Book | Sacraments |
Live Today Well - St. Francis de Sales's Simple Approach to holiness | Dailey, Thomas F. O.S.F.S. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Live Today Well, St. Francis de Sales Simple Approach to Holiness | Daily, Fr. Thomas F., OSFS | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Living an Extraordinary Life - Everyday Stewardship | Welliver, Tracy Earl, MTS | Book | Christian Living |
Living as a Beloved Daughter of God - A Faith-Sharing Guide for Catholic Women | Bawden, Bill and Mitchell, Patricia | Book | Women & Men |
Living Baptism Daily | Mick, Lawrence E. | Book | Sacraments |
Living Flame of Love | St. John of the Cross | Book | Saints |
Living in God's Embrace - The Practice of Spiritual Intimacy | Fonseca, Michael | Book | Prayer |
Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit | Cleveland, Rich | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Living the Drama of Faith | Guardini, Romano | Book | Self Help |
Living Water - Prayers of our Heritage | Pfeifer, Carl & Manternach, Janaan | Book | Prayer |
Longing for the Holy | Rolheiser, Ronald O.M.I | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Looking for Peace? Try Confession! | Budnik, Mary Ann | Book | Sacraments |
Lord, Who Are You? The Story of Paul and the Early Church | Link, Mark, S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
Louder than Words The Art of Living as a Catholic | Leonard, Matthew | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Lourdes - Pilgrimage and healing | Vision Video | DVD | Saints |
Lourdes, Land of Hope | Plutigraf | Book | Mary |
Love is Patient - Saving Sex for Marriage | Paraclete Video Productions | DVD | Christian Living |
Love Unveiled - The Catholic Faith Explained | Sri, Edward | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Loved as I Am - An Invitation to Conversion, Healing, and Freedom through Jesus | Heidland, Miriam James, S.O.L.T. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Lovers in Marriage | Evely, Louis | Book | Self Help |
Loving for a Lifetime | Johnson, Richard P. Ph.D. | Book | Women & Men |
Luke The Theologian - Aspects of His Teaching | Fitzmyer, Joseph A. S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
Made for More - Isn't It Time You Discover the Life God Created You to Live? | Martin, Curtis | Book | Self Help |
Making a Holy Lent - 40 Mediations to Prepare You for the Church's Holiest Season | Casey, Fr. WIlliam C.P.M. | Book | Prayer |
Making Choices - practical wisdom for everyday moral decisions | Kreeft, Peter | Book | Self Help |
Man and Woman he Created Them - A Theology of the Body | Waldstein, Michael - Pope John Paul II | Book | Reference |
Man of Blessing | Butcher, Carmen Acevedo | Book | Saints |
Man of Grace A Rememberance of Paul Wells Barrus | Cimarolli, Mary | Book | Stories |
Man of Greatness -Father Junipero Serra | Habig, Marion A, O.F.M. & Steck, Francis, Borgia, O.F.M. | Book | Historic |
Manual of Patrology I | Cayre, F. A.A. | Book | Historic |
Manual of Patrology II | Cayre, F. A.A. | Book | Historic |
Mark A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo | Book | Bible Related |
Mark Getting to Know Jesus | Perrotta, Kevin | Book | Reference |
Marriage and Family Experiencing the Church's Teaching in Married Life | Pontifical Council for the Family | Book | Sacraments |
Marriage the Mystery of Faithful Love | Von Hildebrand, Deitrich | Book | Sacraments |
Marriage, A Path to Sanctity | Abad, Javier & Fenoy, Eugenio | Book | Christian Living |
Mary - Spiritual thoughts Series | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
Mary God's Masterpiece | Perpetual Help Center, New York | Book | Mary |
Mary In The Church - A Selection of Teaching Documents | USCCB | Book | Mary |
Mary In The Liturgy | The Liturgical Conference 1954 | Book | Mary |
Mary Magdalen in the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich | Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich | Book | Saints |
Mary Mother of the Son - Miracles, Devotion and Motherhood | Shea, Mark P. | Book | Mary |
Mary of Galilee, Mary in the New Testament | Buby, Bertrand S.M. | Book | Mary |
Mary of Galilee, The Marian Heritage of the Early Church | Buby, Bertrand S.M. | Book | Mary |
Mass Confusion: The Do's and Don'ts of Catholic Worship | Akin, James | Book | Reference |
Me, an Evangelist?; Every Christian's Guide to Caring Evangelism | McKay, William J. | Book | Laity |
Meditations | Day, Dorothy | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Meditations Before Mass | Guardini, Romano | Book | Misc |
Meditations for the Millennium - Jesus, Holy Spirit, God the Father | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Medjugorje The Message | Weible, Wayne | Book | Misc |
Meet the Witnesses of The Miracle of the Sun | Haffert, John | Book | Historic |
Men & Women are from Eden | Healy, Mary | Book | Women & Men |
Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love | Sri, Edward | Book | Women & Men |
Mercy's Gaze 100 Readings from Scripture and the Diary of St. Faustina | Flynn, Vinny | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Mere Christianity | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
Messages of Our Lady at San Nicolas | De Nagy-Pal, Eleonora O'Farrell, Gall, Marie-Helene | Book | Mary |
Messy and Foolish - How to Make a Mess, Be a Fool, and Evangelize the World | Warner, Matthew | Book | Misc |
Michelangelo The Last Judgment | Salinger, Margaretta | Book | Historic |
Mickey | John Grisham | DVD | Christian Living |
Midwife for Souls - Spiritual Care for the Dying | Kalina, Kathy | Book | Laity |
Milestones Memoirs 1927-1977 | Ratzinger, Joseph | Book | BXV / Pope |
Milo the Mantis Who Wouldn't Pray | Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends | DVD | Christian Living |
Miracles - Catholic Answers | Broussard, Karlo | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Miracles Do Happen | McKenna, Briege O.S.C. | Book | Stories |
Miracles of John Paul II | Subito, Santo | Book | Saints |
Miracles The Power of Faith | Mill Creek Entertainment | DVD | Bible Related |
Miraculous Images of Our Lord - Famous Catholic, Portraits & Crucifixes | Cruz, Joan Carroll | Book | Reference |
Miryam of Nazareth | Johnson, Ann | Book | Women & Men |
Mission 2000: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Mission of the Family | Leonetti, Jon | Book | Laity |
Mission of the Redeemer | John Paul II | Book | BXV / Pope |
Modern Miraculous Cures | Leuret, Dr. Francois | Book | Reference |
Moon Menace on Planet Tell-A-lie | Penguins | DVD | Christian Living |
Mormanism - 20 Answers - Catholic Answers | Horn, Trent | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Mother Angelica, The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve and a Network of Miracles | Arroyo, Raymond | Book | Stories |
Mother Angelica's Answers, Not Promises | Angelica, Mother M. | Book | Christian Living |
Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality | Arroyo, Raymond | CD | Misc |
Mother at Our Side, Mary's Role in the Spiritual Life | Carter, Rev. Edward, S.J. | Book | Mary |
Mother of Jesus Present With Us | Hinnebusch, Paul O.P. | Book | Mary |
Mother Seton - Wife, Mother, Educator, Foundress | Sisters of Charity | Book | Saints |
Mother Teresa | Come Be My Light | Book | Saints |
Mother Teresa - A Photographic Sory of a Life | Gold, Maya | Book | Saints |
Mother Teresa - A Simple Path | Mother Teresa | Book | Saints |
Mother Teresa - In My Own Words | Balado-Gonzalez, Jose Luis | Book | Saints |
Mother Teresa's Secret Fire | Langford, Joseph | Book | Saints |
My Dear Children | Katayanagi, Hiroshi S.J. | Book | Saints |
My First Mass Book | ? | Book | Bibles |
My Own Book of Bible Stories for Children | Alexander, Pat | Book | Bibles |
My Secret Friend A Guardian Angel Story | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
My Way of Life Saint Thomas | Farrell, Walter OP and Healy, Martin J., STD | Book | Clergy |
National Directory for Catechesis | USCCB | Book | Catechism |
Natural Family Planning | Zimmerman, Fr. Anthony, SVD, STD | Book | Reference |
New Testament Essays | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | Bible Related |
New Vision, New Directions - Implementing the Catechism of the Catholic Church | Hater, Robert J. | Book | Catechism |
Newsflash! My Surprising Journey from Secular Anchor to Media Evangelist | Tomeo, Teresa | Book | Misc |
Nicholas The Boy Who Became Santa | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Nine Words: A Bible Study to Help You Become the Best-Version-of-Yourself | Hunt, Allen R. | Book | Self Help |
No Greater Love; A Biblical Walk Through Christ's Passion | Sri, Edward | Book | Misc |
No Longer a Slumdog - Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis | Yohannan, K.P. | Book | Stories |
No Man Is an Island | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
Noah's Ark | Latourette, Jane | Book | Stories |
Novenas - Prayers of Intercessions and Devotion | Storey, William G. | Book | Prayer |
Novenas - Prayers of Intercessions and Devotion | ? | Book | Prayer |
Nuts & Bolts - A Practical, How-To Guide for Explaining and Defending the Catholic Faith | Staples, Tim | Book | What Catholics Believe |
O Marvelous Exchange - Daily Reflections for Christmas and Epiphany | McIlhon, John J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Of Passion and Folly | McCarthy, Patricia | Book | Spiritual Growth |
On Being Catholic | Howard, Thomas | Book | What Catholics Believe |
On Christian Hope -Spe Salvi | Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
On Family Prayer | Curran, Dolores | Book | Prayer |
On Pilgrimage | Day, Dorothy | Book | Stories |
On the Coming of the Third Millennium | His Holiness John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
On the Way to Jesus Christ | Ratzinger | Book | BXV / Pope |
One Day He Beckoned | Bosco, Antoinette | Book | Women & Men |
One Faith, One Lord | Barry, John F. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
One Less God Than You - How to answer the slogans, cliches and fallacies of atheists | DeRosa, John | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Open Wide the Door to Christ | Biela, S. C. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Opening Our Hearts - Transforming our Losses | Al-non Family Groups | Book | Laity |
Opening To God - a Guide to Prayer | Green, Thomas H. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist | NCCB | Book | Clergy |
Ordering the Baptismal Priesthood | Wood, Susan K - editor | Book | Clergy |
Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission: 5 Steps to Winning the War Within | Wood, John R. | Book | Misc |
Origen The Song of Songs Commentary and Homilies | Lawson, R.P. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Our Lady in the Liturgy | Crichton, J.D. | Book | Mary |
Our Lady of Kibeho | Ilibagiza, Immaculee | Book | Mary |
Our Lady of Soufanieh - Messages from Jesus and Mary and Other Phenomena | Mansour, Antoine, M.D. & Mansour, Claire | Book | Misc |
Our Lady Undoer of Knots A Living Novena | Fenelon, Marge | Book | Prayer |
Our Pioneers and Patriots | Furlong, Rev. Philip J. | Book | Historic |
Padre Pio - The Priest Who Bore the Wounds of Christ | Ignatius Press | DVD | Saints |
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina | Manelli, Fr. Stefano M. | Book | Saints |
Padre Pio The Stigmatist | Carty, Fr. Charles Mortimer | Book | Saints |
Padre Pio: The True Story | Ruffin, C. Bernard | Book | Saints |
Parables of the Kingdom - Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition | Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann | Book | Bible Related |
Parables Told by Jesus | Harrington, Wilfrid J., O.P. | Book | Reference |
Parish Alive! Making Every Parish a Spiritual Life Center | McKnight, Felicia B. | Book | Laity |
Parish Ministry for Maturing Adults | Johnson, Richard P. | Book | Clergy |
Parish Social Ministry - A Vison and Resource | Peeler, Alexandra | Book | Laity |
Parish: A Place for Worship | Searle, Mark | Book | Laity |
Particles of Faith | Trasancos, Stacy A. | Book | Misc |
Passionate Women Two Medieval Mystics | Dreyer, Elizabeth | Book | Women & Men |
Path Through Catholicism | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Laity |
Path Through Scripture | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Laity |
Path Through Scripture | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Historic |
Path Through Scripture | Link, Mark, SJ | Book | Bible Related |
Patrick Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
Patron Saints | Freze, Michael S.F.O. | Book | Saints |
Peace of Soul | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Misc |
Peace on Earth | John XXIII | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
People of God In The Night | Leclerc, Eloi O.F.M. | Book | Bible Related |
Perfectly Yourself - Nine Lessons for Enduring Happiness | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Self Help |
Pier Giorgio Frassati - A Hero for our Times | Siccardi, Cristina | Book | Saints |
Pier Giorgio Frassati - Letters to His Friends and Family | Frassati, Pier Giogio | Book | Saints |
Pierced by a Sword | MacFarland Jr., Bud | Book | Stories |
Pilgrim Church | Bausch, William J. | Book | Historic |
Planning and Implementing Retreats | Vandergrift, Nicki Verploegen | Book | Clergy |
Please Be Patient I'm Grieving, How to Care For and Support the Grieving Heart | Roe, Gary | Book | Self Help |
Pocket of Gospels and Acts of the Apostles | USCCB | Book | Bible Related |
Pope Fiction: Answers to 30 Myths & Misconceptions about the Papacy | Madrid, Patrick | Book | Bible Related |
Pope Francis Speaks to Families | Word Press | Book | BXV / Pope |
Pope Francis Speaks to Our Hearts | Word Press | Book | BXV / Pope |
Pope John Paul II - A Tribute | Sullivan, Robert Editor of Life Magazine | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Pope John XXIII - Journal of a Soul | White, Dorothy | Book | BXV / Pope |
Power in my Hands - A Story of Hope and the Power of Prayer | Evangelization Apostolate | DVD | Prayer |
Practicing Peace | Whitmire, Catherine | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Praise God and Thank Him - Biblical Keys for a Joyful Life | Cavins, Jeff | Book | Self Help |
Prayer and Common Sense | Green, Thomas H. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Prayer and Temperament - Different Prayer Forms for Different Personality Types | Michael, Chester P. and Norrisey, Marie C. | Book | Prayer |
Prayer in the Catholic Tradition | Miller II, Richard W. Ph.D. | Book | Prayer |
Prayer Paths - Search for Serenity and God in an Age of Stress | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Prayer Time Cycle C - Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels | Heyer, Robert | Book | Prayer |
Prayers | Quoist, Michel | Book | Prayer |
Prayers and Devotions | Pope John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Prayers and Heavenly Promises | Cruz, Joan Carroll | Book | Prayer |
Prayers for Urgent Occasions | Marie, Rev. Bernard, O.F.S. | Book | Prayer |
Praying for Our Priests | Dunne, Mons. Peter and Herout, Vicki | Book | Prayer |
Praying Our Loved Ones Home to the Church | Sullivan, Mary | Book | Self Help |
Praying Scripture for a Change - An Introduction to Lectio Divina | Gray, Dr. Tim | Book | Prayer |
Praying the Rosary for Inner Healing | Longenecker, Fr. Dwight | Book | Prayer |
Praying the Rosary Like Never Before: Encounter the Wonder of Heaven and Earth | Sri, Edward | Book | Prayer |
Praying the Scripture | Dumm, Demetrius | Book | Prayer |
Praying with Elizabeth Seton | Alderman, Margaret and Burns, Josephine | Book | Prayer |
Praying with Icons | Forest, Jim | Book | Prayer |
Praying With Mary, Sacred Prayers to the Blessed Mother for All Occasions | Connell, Janice T. | Book | Prayer |
Praying with St. Paul | Cameron, Fr. Peter John O.P. | Book | Saints |
Praying with Teresa of Avila | Broughton, Rosemary | Book | Saints |
Praying with the Saints - Making Their Prayers Your Own | Koenig-Bricker, Woodeene | Book | Saints |
Praying with the Saints for The Holy Souls in Purgatory | Tassone, Susan | Book | Prayer |
Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Monfort | de Monfort, Saint Louis Marie | Book | Saints |
Preparation for Total Consecration | Saint Louis Marie de Montfort | Book | Mary |
Preparing the Rites of Initiation | Corcoran, Bill | Book | Clergy |
Presenting the Catholic Faith | DeSiano, Frank P. CSP | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Priest of the World's Destiny: John Paul II | Parker, Michael | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Psalms for all Seasons | Craghan, John F. | Book | Bible Related |
Purgatory - Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints | Shouppe, Fr. F.X., S.J. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Putting on the Heart of Christ; How the Spiritual Exercises Invite Us to a Virtuous Life | Fagin, Gerald M. S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Quiet Moments with Padre Pio | Treece, Patricia | Book | Saints |
Re-Membering - The Ministry of Welcoming Alienated and Inactive Catholics | Harmony, Sarah | Book | Clergy |
Reading and Praying the New Testament | Kreeft, Peter | Book | Reference |
Reading Scripture as the Word of God | Martin, George | Book | Bible Related |
Reading the Gospels | Dalpadado, J. Kingsley OMI | Book | Clergy |
Readings on Catholics in Political Life | USCCB | Book | Historic |
Real Love - Your Questions on Dating, Marriage and The Real Meaning of Sex | Bonacci, Mary Beth | Book | Sacraments |
Reasons to Believe | Hahn, Scott | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Reconciliation: Sacrament With a Future | DeGidio, Sandra, O.S.M. | Book | Sacraments |
Redeemed by Grace - A Catholic Woman's Journey to Planned Parenthood and Back | Trevinio, Ramona | Book | Stories |
Redemptime Intimacy A New Perspective for the Journey to Adult Faith | Westly, Dick | Book | Women & Men |
Rediscover Catholicism | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Coming Home |
Rediscover the Rosary - The Modern Power of Ancient Prayer | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Prayer |
Redisocvering the Saints - 25 Questions That Will Change Your Life | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Saints |
Reflections for the Journey - Everyday Stewardship | Welliver, Tracy Earl, MTS | Book | Christian Living |
Reflections I-V - EWTN | Clifford, Fr. Leo, OFM | DVD | Misc |
Reform Yourself! How to pray, find peace, and grow in faith with the saints of the counter-reformation | McAfee, Shaun | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Religion and the Knowledge of God | Weigel, S.J. and Madden, Arthur G. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Remaining Catholic Six Good Reasons for Staying in an Imperfect Church | Pable, Rev. Martin | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Render Unto Caesar - Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life | Chaput, Charles J. O.F.M. Cap. | Book | Christian Living |
Renewing the Baptismal Promises | Reiser, William | Book | Sacraments |
Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible | Brown, Raymond E. S.S. | Book | Bible Related |
Responses to 101 Questions on the Mass | Irwin, Kevin W. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Restoring Marriage Today | Catholic Answers 2016 | DVD | Sacraments |
Return, How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church | Vogt, Brandon | Book | Self Help |
Revelations of St. Bridget | St. Bridget of Sweden and Tan Books | Book | Saints |
Revolution in World Missions | Yohannan, K.P. | Book | Stories |
Riding the Dragon | Wicks, Robert J. | Book | Self Help |
Rise, Let Us Be on Our Way | John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Rooting Out Hidden Faults - How the Particular Examen Conquers Sin | McElhone, James, F., C.S.C. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Rosary Reflections | Fr. Chester Wrzaszczak | Book | Prayer |
Rufinus A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed | Kelly, J.N.D., D.D. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Runaway Pride at Lightstation Kilowatt | Big Idea - Penguins | DVD | Christian Living |
Sacramental Theology - Means of Grace, Ways of Life | Stasiak, Kurt O.S.B. | Book | Sacraments |
Saint Anthony the Wonder-Worker of Padua | Stoddard, Charles Warren | Book | Saints |
Saint Athanasius | Forbes, F. A. | Book | Saints |
Saint Catherine of Siena | Forbes, F. A. | Book | Saints |
Saint Colette: In the footsteps of Saint Francis and Saint Clare | The Poor Clares of Poligny | Book | Saints |
Saint Damien of Molokai: Hero of Hawaii | Richards, Virginia Helen FSP and Halpin, Thomas FSP | Book | Saints |
Saint Dominic and the Rosary | Beebe, Catherine | Book | Saints |
Saint Francis of the Seven Seas | Nevins, Albert J. M.M. | Book | Saints |
Saint Helena and the True Cross | de Wohl, Louis | Book | Saints |
Saint Ignatius of Loyola | Giamo, Donna, FSP and Jablonski, Patricia FSP | Book | Saints |
Saint Isaac Jogues With Burning Heart | Orfeo, Christine Virginia, FSP and Tebo, Mary E., FSP | Book | Saints |
Saint Joan of Arc God's Soldier | Wallace, Susan Helen FSP | Book | Saints |
Saint Joan The Girl Soldier | de Wohl, Louis | Book | Saints |
Saint John Paul the Great - His Five Loves | Evert, Jason | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Saint Joseph | Doze, Andrew | Book | Women & Men |
Saint Joseph Church History | Lovasik, Rev. Lawrence G. S.V.D. | Book | Historic |
Saint Joseph New Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible | Catholic Book Publishing Company | Book | Bibles |
Saint Junipero Serra's Camino - A Pilgrimage Guide to the California Missions | Binz, Stephen J. | Book | Historic |
Saint Louis and the Last Crusade | Hubbard, Margaret Ann | Book | Saints |
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Mary's Knight | Jablonski, Patricia Edward FSP | Book | Saints |
Saint Maximillian Kolbe - Knight of the Immaculata | Smith, Fr. Jeremiah J. | Book | Saints |
Saint Monica and Her Son Augustine | Cristiani, Leon | Book | Saints |
Saint Monica, Model of Christian Mothers | Forbes, F. A. | Book | Saints |
Saint of the Day January -June Vol 1 | Foley, Leonard O.F.M. | Book | Saints |
Saint of the Day July - December Vol 2 | Foley, Leonard O.F.M. | Book | Saints |
Saint Philomena - Powerful With God | Mohr, Sister Marie Helene S.C. | Book | Saints |
Saint Teresa of Avila | Walsh, William Thomas | Book | Saints |
Saint Therese and The Roses | Homan, Helen Walker | Book | Saints |
Saint Vincent de Paul | Forbes, F.A. | Book | Saints |
Saints and other Powerful Women in the Church | Lord, Bob and Penny | Book | Saints |
Saints and Sinners | Duffy, Eamon | Book | Historic |
Saints for our Times - New novena & prayers | Michaels, Barry | Book | Saints |
Salt of the Earth - The Church at the End of the Millennium | Ratizinger, Cardinal Joseph | Book | BXV / Pope |
Same River Twice | Families | DVD | Christian Living |
Saying Goodbye, Facing the Loss of a Loved One | Murphy, Cecil and Roe, Gary | Book | Self Help |
School-Smart Parenting: Raising Children for Success and Happiness in School | Brock, Michael L. | Book | Women & Men |
Scripture - Nourished by the Word | Ralph, Margaret Nutting Ph.D. | Book | Bible Related |
Scripture Matters | Hahn, Scott | Book | Bible Related |
Search and Rescue: How to Bring Back Your Family and Friends into - or Back Into the Catholic Church | Madrid, Patrick | Book | Coming Home |
Secrets From Heaven - Hidden Treasures of Faith in the Parables of Conversations of Jesus | Walshe, Sebastian O. Praem. | Book | Misc |
Seeds of the Word - Finding God in the Culture | Barron, | Book | Misc |
Sermons of the Cure of Ars | St. John Vianney | Book | Saints |
Servant Leaders of the People of God | Schwartz, Robert M. | Book | Clergy |
Set Free To Love - Lives Changed by the Theology of the Body | LeJeune, Marcel | Book | Christian Living |
Seven Deadly Sins Seven Lively Virtues | Barron, Rev. Robert E. | DVD | Catechism |
Seven Pauline Letters | Ellis, Peter F. | Book | Bible Related |
Share the Healing and the Hope | Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows | Book | Prayer |
Sharing The Wisdom of Time | Pope Francis and Friends | Book | BXV / Pope |
Sheen Gems, The Best of Fulton J. Sheen | Sheen, Bishop Fulton | DVD | Spiritual Growth |
Shepherd of Souls, A Pictorial Life of Pope Pius XII | Marchione, Margaherita | Book | BXV / Pope |
Shower of Heavenly Roses: Stories of the intercession of St. Therese of Lisieux | Ficocelli, Elizabeth | Book | Saints |
Signs of Life, 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots | Hahn, Scott | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Skeeter | Max Lucado, Hermie and Friends | DVD | Christian Living |
Sleeping With Bread - Holding What Gives You Life | Linn, Dennis, Matthew and Sheila Fabricant | Book | Stories |
Small Christian Communities | Kleissler, Thomas A., LeBert, Margo A., McGuinness, Mary C. | Book | Laity |
Soul Surfer | Affirm Films | DVD | Christian Living |
Spiritual Canticle - St. John of the Cross | Peers, E. Allison | Book | Saints |
Spiritual Direction & Meditation | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
Spiritual Lessons Along the Camino | Brown, Kim | Book | Self Help |
Spiritual Passages | Groeschel, Benedict J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
St Joseph Daily Missal | Catholic Book Publishing Co. | Book | Bibles |
St. Augustine Against the Academics | O'Meara, John J. | Book | Misc |
St. Benedict Hero of the Hills | Windeatt, Mary Fabyan | Book | Saints |
St. Catherine of Siena | Ferretti, Lodovico | Book | Saints |
St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration | Tassone, Susan | Book | Prayer |
St. Francis and the Foolishness of God | Dennis, Moe-Lobeda, Nangle, Taylor | Book | Saints |
St. Irenaeus Proof of the Apostolic Preaching | Smith, Joseph P. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
St. Joseph Atlas of the Bible | Dowley, Tim | Book | Misc |
St. Joseph Edition of The New American Bible - Large Type | Catholic Book Publishing Company | Book | Bibles |
St. Maria Goretti - In Garments All Red | Poage, Fr. Godfrey C.P. | Book | Saints |
St. Patrick of Ireland - A Biography | Freeman, Philip | Book | Saints |
St. Paul | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
St. Paul - A Bible Study Guide for Catholics | Pacwa, Fr. Mitch, S.J. | Book | Saints |
St. Paul A Bible Study Guide for Catholics | Pacwa, Fr. Mitch, S.J. | Book | Reference |
St. Rose of Lima - Patroness of the Americas | Alphonsus, Sister Mary, O.SS.R. | Book | Saints |
St. Teresa of Avila | Beevers, John | Book | Saints |
St. Teresa of Avila Volume 2 The Colleced Works of | Kavanaugh, Kieran, O.C.D. & Rodriguez, Otilio O.C.D. | Book | Saints |
St. Teresa of Avila Volume 3 The Collected Works of | Kavanaugh, Kieran, O.C.D. & Rodriguez, Otilio, O.C.D. | Book | Saints |
St. Teresa of Avila Volume 1, 2 &3 - The Collected Works of | Kavanaugh, Kieran, O.C.D & Rodriguez, Otilio, O.C.D. | Book | Saints |
St.Thomas More of London | Ince, Elizabeth M. | Book | Saints |
Stanley The Stinkbug Goes to Camp | Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends | DVD | Christian Living |
Still Amidst the Storm - A Search for Peace in an Anxious World | Gallagher, Conor | Book | Self Help |
Story of A Soul - The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux | St. Theresa of Lisieux | Book | Saints |
Strength for His People - A ministry for Families of the Mentally Ill | Waterhouse, Pastor Steven Th.M. | Book | Self Help |
Style, Sex, & Substance | Lord, Hallie | Book | Women & Men |
Suffering | Evely, Louis | Book | Self Help |
Summa Theologia - A Concise Translation | McDermott, Timothy | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Sunday Sermans of the Great Fathers Volume 1 | Toal, M.F. D.D. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Sunday Sermans of the Great Fathers Volume 2 | Toal, M.F. D.D. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers Volume 3 | Toal, M.F. D.D. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Surprised by Joy | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
Surprised By Truth | Madrid, Patrick | Book | Misc |
Surprised by Truth 2 | Madrid, Patrick | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Surrender! - The Life Changing Power of Doing God's Will | Richards, Fr. Larry | Book | Self Help |
Surrendered to Love, The Wisdom of Therese of Lisieux | Martin, Ralph | CD | Saints |
Sword of the Spirit - A Beginner's Guide to St. Paul | Cuddy, Christopher and Hart, Mark | Book | Misc |
Symbol or Substance - A Dialogue on the Eucharist with Lewis, Graham and Tolkien | Kreeft, Peter | Book | Sacraments |
Symbols of Inner Truth | Kelly, Carole Marie O.S.F | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Teen Cathechism Teaching Guide | McBride, Alfred, O, Praem | Book | Laity |
That They May have Life - 35 Meditations | Leloczky, Julius D. O. Cist. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Mysteries of Fatima | Akin, Jimmy | CD | Saints |
The 'One Thing' is Three - How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything | Gaitley, Michael E. MIC | Book | Misc |
The "Padre" Saint Pio of Pietrelcina - His Mission to Save Souls Testimonies | IasenzaNiro, Fr. Marcellino | Book | Saints |
The "R" Father - 14 Ways to Respond to the Lord's Prayer | Hart, Mark | Book | Prayer |
The 12 Keys to Spiritual Vitality | Johnson, Richard P. Ph.D. | Book | Self Help |
The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation | Liguori, St. Alphonsus adapted by Rev. Cornelius J Warren, CSSR | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The 13th Day | Ignatius Press | DVD | Saints |
The 21 Undeniable Secrets of Marriage | Hunt, Dr. Allen | Book | Women & Men |
The 33 Doctors of the Church | Rengers, Fr. Christopher, O.F.M. Cap. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The Abolition of Man | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
The Abundant Life - Help for the Hopeless Vol1 and 2 | Living His Life Abundantly - Benkovic, Johnnette | DVD | Self Help |
The Acts of the Apostles | Hamm, Dennis | Book | Bible Related |
The Advent of Christ | Sri, Edward | Book | Misc |
The Angels and Their Mission | Danielou, Jean S.J. | Book | Reference |
The Apostle of Common Sense | Chesterton, G.K. | Book | Misc |
The Apostles | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Art of Getting Over Yourself and Why You'll be Happier When You Do | Leonetti, Jon | Book | Self Help |
The Art of Praying | Guardini, Romano | Book | Prayer |
The Ascent to Truth | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
The Autobiography of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque | St. Mary Margaret Alacoque | Book | Saints |
The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux | Beevers, John | Book | Saints |
The Autobiography of St. John Neumann, C.SS.R. | Neumann, John | Book | Historic |
The Basic Plan for the Ongoing Formation of Priests | USCC/NCCB | Book | Clergy |
The Basic Sixteen Documents - Vatican Council II | Flannery, Austin O.P. | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Beginning of the End of Abortion | Carney, Shawn D. | Book | Stories |
The Best of Mother Angelica Live - EWTN | Mother Angelica | DVD | Misc |
The Better Part | Keating, Thomas | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Bible - Catholic Answers | Horn, Trent | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Bible - The Epic Miniseries | Light Workers Media | DVD | Bibles |
The Bible Blueprint | Paprocki, Joe | Book | Laity |
The Bible is a Catholic Book | Akin, Jimmy | Book | Bible Related |
The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Christian Living |
The Birth of the Messiah - A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke | Brown, Raymond E | Book | Reference |
The Blessed Eucharist | Muller, Fr. Michael C.S.S.R. | Book | Sacraments |
the Blood and The Rose - This Battle is for Souls | Watkins, Tim | DVD | Mary |
The Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions | Chervin, Ronda, De Sola & Conley, Carla | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Book of Courage | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Misc |
The Boy Who Cried Abba | Manning, Brennan | Book | Stories |
The Breaking of the Bread | LaVerdiere, Eugene | Book | Bible Related |
The Call of Heaven - Br. Gino~Stigmatist | Fox, Rev. Robert J. | Book | Stories |
The Canticles | Liturgy Training Publications | Book | Bible Related |
The Catechetical Documents | Sacred Congregation for the Clergy 1971 | Book | Catechism |
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Family Style - 4 Volumes | Thomas, David M. Ph.D. & Calnan, Mary Joyce | Book | Catechism |
The Catholic Answers Book 3 | Stravinskas, Peter M.J. Ph.D.,S.T.D. | Book | Catechism |
The Catholic Bible in Pictures | Greystone Press - Hawthorn Books | Book | Bibles |
The Catholic Church Story | Pennock, Michael | Book | Historic |
The Catholic Comparative New Testament | Oxford University Press | Book | Reference |
The Catholic Encyclopedia | Broderick, Robert C. | Book | Reference |
The Catholic Family Handbook | Lovasik, Lawrence G. | Book | Women & Men |
THe Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound 2008 | USCCB | Book | Laity |
The Catholic Home - Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days and Every Day | Gould, Meredith | Book | Self Help |
The Catholic Imagination | Greeley, Andrew | Book | Misc |
The Catholic Living Bible - A Thought for Thought Translation - Large Print | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. | Book | Bibles |
The Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion - A Book of Daily Reflections | Hendey, Lisa M. & Reinhard, Sarah A. | Book | Prayer |
The Catholic Prayer Book | Buckley, Msgr. Michael | Book | Prayer |
The Catholic Response - apologetics | Stravinskas | Book | Misc |
The Catholic Source Book | Our Sunday Visitor | Book | Reference |
The Catholic Tourist Guide | Sullivan, Kay | Book | Historic |
The Catholic Vision (in black notebook) | Link, Mark, S.J. | Book | Laity |
The Challenge of Peace | USCCB | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Changing Face of the Priesthood | Cozzens, Donald B. | Book | Clergy |
The Cheating Scales of Bullamanka | Big Idea | DVD | Christian Living |
The Christian Churches of the East | Attwater, Donald | Book | Misc |
The Christian Faith | Neuner, J., S.J. and Dupuis, J., S.J. | Book | Reference |
The Christian Sacraments of Initiation | Osborne, Kenan B., O.F.M. | Book | Sacraments |
The Chronicles of Narnia | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Stories |
The Church at Prayer - Principles of the Liturgy | Dalmais, Gy, Jounel and Martimort | Book | Reference |
The Church at Prayer The Liturgy and Time | Martimort, A.G. | Book | Reference |
The Church in America On the Encounter with the Living Jesus Christ | USCCB | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Church of Apostles and Martyrs Vol. I | Daniel-Rops, Henri | Book | Historic |
The Church of Mercy | Pope Francis | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Churches the Apostles Left Behond | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The City of God | Saint Augustine | Book | Misc |
The Cloister Walk | Norris, Kathleen | Book | Stories |
The Collegefille Bible Commmentary - New Testament | Karris, Robert J. O.F.M. | Book | Reference |
The Collegefille Bible Commmentary - Old Testament | Bergand, Dianne C.S.A. | Book | Reference |
The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary | Stuhmueller, Carroll | Book | Reference |
The Communion of Saints - Sunday Night Live | Groeschel, Father Benedict | DVD | Saints |
The Community of the Beloved Disciple - The Life, Loves, and Hates of an Individual Church in New Testament Times | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The Compact Catholic Prayer Book | The Word Among Us | Book | Prayer |
The Confessions of St. Augustine | St. Augustine | Book | Saints |
The Confessions of St. Augustine | White, Carolinne | Book | Saints |
The Consolation of Philospohy | Boethius | Book | Historic |
The Creed Professing Faith Through the Ages | Hahn, Scott | Book | Catechism |
The Critical Meaning of the Bible - How a modern reading of the Bible challenges Christians, the Church and the churches. | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The Crucified Rabbi | Marshall, Taylor R. | Book | Historic |
The Crucifix that Spoke to St. Francis | Goonan, Michael | Book | Historic |
The Cure of Ars | O'Brian, Fr. Bartholomew J. | Book | Saints |
The Day Christ Was Born | Bishop, Jim | Book | Historic |
The Day the Sun Danced, The True Story of Fatima | CCC | DVD | Stories |
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion | Croiset, Fr. John, S.J. | Book | Prayer |
The Dignity of a Person | USCCB | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Divine Office for Dodos - A Step-by-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours | Nugent, Madeline Pecora | Book | Reference |
The Documents of Vatican II | Abbott, Walter M., S.J. | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ | Emmerich, Anne Catherine | Book | Historic |
The Doom Funnel Rescue! | Big Idea - Penguins | DVD | Christian Living |
The Earth Moves at Midnight and Other Poems | Bodo, Murray | Book | Stories |
The End and The Beginning | Weigel, George | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Essential Catholic Survival Guide | Catholic Answers Staff | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Everlasting Man | Chesterson, G.K. | Book | Misc |
The Experience of God - An Invitation to Theology | Lane, Dermot A. | Book | Bible Related |
The Faith Explained | Trese, Leo J. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Faith of the Early Fathers | Jurgens, William A. | Book | Clergy |
The Faith We Live By | A Team of Daughters of St. Paul | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Fathers Know Best: Your Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church | Akin, Jimmy | Book | Historic |
The First Christmas | Superbook, Christian Broadcasting Co. | DVD | Christian Living |
The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Albom, Mitch | Book | Stories |
The Flame of Love | Kindelmann, Elizabeth | Book | Mary |
The Florentine Renaissance | Cronin, Vincent | Book | Historic |
The Flowering of the Renaissance | Cronin, Vincent | Book | Historic |
The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Friendship of Woman A Spiritual Tradition | Chittister, Joan | Book | Women & Men |
The Generosity Habit: How Daily Giving Can Change Your Life and Transform the World | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Gift of Peace | Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Gift of Repentance - God's Call for a Change of Heart | Perrota, Kevin | Book | Self Help |
The Glories of Divine Grace | Scheeben, Fr. Matthias J. | Book | Reference |
The Glorious Assumption of the Mother of God | Duhr, Joseph S.J. | Book | Mary |
The God of Freedom and Life; A Commentary on the Book of Exodus | Binz, Stephen J. | Book | Bible Related |
The Godless Delusion - A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism | Madrid, Patrick and Hensley, Kenneth | Book | Laity |
The Gold Book of Prayers | Gratsch, Rev. Edward | Book | Prayer |
The Golden Arrow | Scallan, Fr. Emeric B. S.T.B. | Book | Misc |
The Golden Thread; A Novel About St. Ignatius Loyola | De Wohl, Louis | Book | Stories |
The Good God | Garriguet, L. | Book | Bible Related |
The Good Samaritan | Kramer, Janice | Book | Stories |
The Gospel and Epistles of John - A Concise Commentary | Brown, Raymond E. | Book | Bible Related |
The Gospel of Life On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life | His Holiness John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Gospel of Life - Evangelium Vitae | John Paul II | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Gospel of Mark | McBride, Alfred O., Praem. | Book | Bible Related |
The Gospel of Matthew for Little Ones | Meyer, Sara Beth MTh, Hsu, Allison M.D. | Book | Bible Related |
The Great Adventure Storybook - A Walk Through the Catholic Bible | Cavins, Bromschwig, Neville, Wandrei | Book | Bibles |
The Great Disappointment - Understanding the False Doctines and Failed Prophecies of Seventh-day Adventism | Staples, Tim | DVD | Coming Home |
The Great Divorce | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
The Greatest Miracle, Angels Are All Around Us | Arcentertainment | DVD | Christian Living |
The Handbook for Catholic Moms - Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul | Hendey, Lisa M. | Book | Women & Men |
The Healing Power of the Eucharist | Hampsch, John H. C.M.F. | Book | Sacraments |
The Heart of a Saint | Ghezzi, Bert | Book | Saints |
The Holy Bible New Testament - Second Catholic Edition RSV | Augustine Institute | Book | Bibles |
The Holy Souls "Viva Padre Pio" | Parente, Fr. Alessio OFM Cap. | Book | Saints |
The Holy Spirit - Bible Study Guide for Catholics | Pacwa, Fr. Mitch, S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
The Holy Way Practices for a Simple Life | Huston, Paula | Book | Women & Men |
The Holy Winding Sheet - Exploring the Shroud of Turin | Dow, Parker and EWTN | DVD | Reference |
The Holy Year of Mercy | Word Press | Book | BXV / Pope |
The How-To Book of Catholic Devotions | Aquilina, Mike and Flaherty, Regis J. | Book | Catechism |
The How-To Book of Catholic Devotions | Aquilina, Mike and Flaherty, Regis J. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The How-To Book of Sacramentals | Ball, Ann | Book | Sacraments |
The How-To Book of the Mass: Step by Step Guidelines | Dubruiel, Michael | Book | Laity |
The Imitation of Christ | Kempis, Thomas A | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Immaculate Heart of Mary - 100 Years of Fatima | Solimeo, Luiz Sergio | Book | Mary |
The Incorruptibles | Cruz, Joan Carroll | Book | Stories |
The Inside Story of Vatican II - A Firsthand Account of the Council's Inner Workings | Wiltgen, Rev. Ralph M., S.V.D. | Book | Historic |
The Instructed Heart | Sheed, F.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Intimate Merton His Life from His Journals | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
The Jesus Women | Alborghetti, Marci | Book | Women & Men |
The Journey from Misery to Ministry | Dorff, Francis | Book | Self Help |
The Joyful Beggar, A Novel about Saint Francis of Assisi | de Wohl, Louis | Book | Stories |
The Lamb's Supper | Hahn, Scott | Book | Bible Related |
The Language of Blessing | Cavanaugh, Joseph III | Book | Self Help |
The Last of the Fathers | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
The Latin Mass Explained | Moorman, Msgr, George J. | Book | Historic |
The Lay-Centered Church | Dooham,Leonard | Book | Laity |
The Lessons of St. Francis - How to Bring Simplicity into your Daily Life | Talbot, John Michael with Steve Rabey | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Life of All Living | Sheen, Fulton | Book | Misc |
The Life of Faustina Kowalska | Michelenko, Sister Sophia | Book | Saints |
The Life of Little Nellie of Holy God 1903-1908 | Tan Book Publisher | Book | Stories |
The Life of Teresa of Jesus | St. Teresa of Avila | Book | Saints |
The Little Boat That Almost Sank | Warren, Mary | Book | Stories |
The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi | Higginbotham, Joe OFS | Book | Saints |
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi | The Daughters of St. Paul | Book | Saints |
The Living Voice of the Gospel | Moloney, Francis J S.D.B. | Book | Bible Related |
The Long Loneliness - The Autobiography of the Legendary CAtholic Social Activist | Day, Dorothy | Book | Stories |
The Lord | Guardini, Romano | Book | Bible Related |
The Love of Eternal Wisdom | St. Louis De Monfort | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Mary Book | Sheed, F. J. | Book | Mary |
The Mass - A Study of the Roman Liturgy | Fortescue, Adrian | Book | Reference |
The Mass Is Never Ended | Pierce, Gregory F. Augustine | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Mass: An Invitation to Enjoy It | Florian, Amy | Book | Sacraments |
The Miracle of Medjugorje - Gospa | Jakov Sedlar - Capistrano Films | DVD | Misc |
The Miracle of the Holy House of Loreto | Catani, Federico | Book | Mary |
The Mystery of the Cross | Hume, Cardinal Basil | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Mystical City of God | Venerable Mary of Agreda | Book | Saints |
The Navarre Bible Revelation | Texts and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The Navarre Bible St. John | Texts and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The Navarre Bible St. Luke | Texts and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The Navarre Bible St. Mark | Texts and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The Navarre Bible St. Matthew | Texts and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The Navarre Bible, Acts of the Apostles | Text and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The Navarre Bible, Catholic Epistles | Texts and Commentaries | Book | Bible Related |
The New American Bible - Giant Print Edition | Thomas Nelson Publisher | Book | Bibles |
The New American Bible - St. Joseph Edition | Catholic Book Publishing Company | Book | Bibles |
The New American Bible Concordance | Kohlenberger, John R. III | Book | Bible Related |
The New American Bible For Catholics - Red Letter Edition | Catholic World Press | Book | Bibles |
The New Catholic Answer Bible | Our Sunday Visitor - publisher | Book | Reference |
The New Day Journal - A Journey from Grief to Healing | O'Brien, Mauryeen | Book | Self Help |
The New Eve | Newman, J. H. | Book | Mary |
The New Jerome Bible Handbook | Brown, Raymond E., Fitzmyer, Joseph A. and Murphy, Roland E. | Book | Clergy |
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary | Brown, Fitzmyer, Murphy | Book | Reference |
The New Jerusalem Bible | Doubleday and Company, Inc. | Book | Bibles |
The New Rosary in Scripture - Biblical Insights for Praying the 20 Mysteries | Sri, Edward S.T.D | Book | Prayer |
The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism | Kelley, Fr. Bennet C.P | Book | Catechism |
The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism | Kelley, Rev. Bennet C.P. | Book | Catechism |
The New Testament Reader's Work/Text | Paul, Fr. John & King, James R. | Book | Bible Related |
The New World Dictionary-Concordance to the New American Bible | World Publishing | Book | Reference |
The Nun's Story | Zinnemann's, Fred | DVD | Stories |
The Odyssey A Journey Back Home | CCC of America | DVD | Christian Living |
The Old Testament - Our Call to Faith and Justice | Smith-Christopher, Daniel | Book | Reference |
The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of Jesus/ A Commentary | Binz, Stephen J. | Book | Bible Related |
The Passion of the Christ | Mel Gibson File | Other | Christian Living |
The People of God - Series | Gilles, Anthony E. | Book | Historic |
The Philosophy of God | Renard, Henri S.J. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The Power and the Wisdom - An Interpretation of the New Testament | McKenzie, John L. S.J. | Book | Reference |
The Power of the Kingdom | Swizdor, Fr. Matthew | Book | Misc |
The Prayer That Heals: Praying for Healing in the Family | MacNutt, Francis | Book | Prayer |
The Priest and the Third Christian Millennium | United States Catholic Conference | Book | Clergy |
The Priesthood | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Priests - In Concert at Armagh Cathedral | Sony Music | DVD | Misc |
The Primacy of Peter | Journet, Msgr. Charles | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Private Prayers of Pope John Paul II | Pope John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Problem of Pain | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
The Prophetic Spirit of Catechesis | Mongoven, Anne Marie O.P. | Book | Catechism |
The Protestant's Dilemma | Rose, Devin | Book | Catechism |
The Purgatorian Manual | Gearin, Michael A. C.S.S.R. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Queen's Way | Amatora, Sister Mary, O.S.F. | Book | Mary |
The Questioner's Prayer | Baker, Bishop Robert J. | Book | Coming Home |
The Quotidian Mysteries | Norris, Kathleen | Book | Women & Men |
The Raccolta - A Manual of Indulgences Prayers and Devotions | Christopher, Rev. Joseph, Spence, Rt. Rev. Charles, Rowan, Rt. Reve. John | Book | Prayer |
The Radical Christian Life - A Year With Saint Benedict | Chittister, Joan | Book | Saints |
The Real Story - Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible | Sri, Edward and Martin, Curtis | Book | Bible Related |
The Reed of God | Houselander, Caryll | Book | Mary |
The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School | Congregation for a Catholic Education | Book | Laity |
The Return of the Prodigal Son | Nouwen, Henri J.M. | Book | Stories |
The Rhythm of Life | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Misc |
The Rise and Fall of the Medieval Monastery | Brooke, Christopher | Book | Historic |
The Road to Survival | Snyder, David | Book | Historic |
The Role of the Assembly in Christian Initiation | Vincie, Catherine | Book | Clergy |
The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World | Pope John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Roman Catacombs and Their Martyrs | Hertling and Kirschbaum | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The Roots of the Reformation | Adam, Karl | Book | Historic |
The Rosary and Devotion to Mary | Gerakas, Deacon Andrew J. | Book | Mary |
The Rosary of Our Lady | Guardini, Romano | Book | Prayer |
The Rosary Prayer of the Gospel | Corapi, Fr. John | DVD | Prayer |
The Rule of Saint Benedict | Gallagher, J. Conor | Book | Saints |
The Rule of St. Benedict | Fry, Timothy, O.S.B. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
The Sacrament of Charity | Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Sacraments - Discovering the Treasures of Divine Life | Kauth, Fr. Matthew | Book | Sacraments |
The Sacraments How Catholics Pray | Richstatter, Thomas O.F.M. | Book | Sacraments |
The Sacraments Seven Stories of Growth | Martos, Joseph Ph.D. | Book | Sacraments |
The Saints | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Saints' Guide to Help When Life Hurts | Cavnar, Cynthia | Book | Self Help |
The Saints' Guide to Joy That Never Fades | Ball, Ann | Book | Saints |
The Saints' Guide to Making Peace With God, Yourself, and Others | Thigpen, Paul Ph.D. | Book | Self Help |
The Scalpel and the Soul - Our Radical Transformation as Husband and wife Abortion Doctors | Johnson, Noreen MD and Robinson, Haywood MD | Book | Stories |
The Scent of Jasmine | McCarthy, Patricia | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The School of Jesus Crucified - The Lessons of Calvary in Daily Catholic Life | Father Ignatius of the Side of Jesus, Passionist | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Screwtape Letters | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Stories |
The Scripture Source Book for Catholics | Klein, Rev. Peter | Book | Laity |
The Search for Happiness | Lukefahr, Oscar | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Now is the Time of Mercy | Gaitley, Michael E. MIC | Book | Misc |
The Secret of the Rosary | St. Louis De Montfort | Book | Prayer |
The Seeker's Guide to Reading the Bible | Mueller, Steve | Book | Bible Related |
The Seeker's Guide to the Holy Spirit | Dodds, Bill | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Seekers Catechism The Basics of Catholicism | Pennock, Michael Francis | Book | Catechism |
The Seond Coming of Jesus Christ, Mediation and Commentary on the Book of Revelation | McBride, Alfred O., Praem. | Book | Bible Related |
The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Our Lady | Fiorelli, Fr. Lewis S. O.S.F.S | Book | Saints |
The Seven Levels of Intimacy - The Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Self Help |
The Seven Storey Mountain An Autobiography of Faith | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
The Shoemaker's Gospel | Brent, Daniel | Book | Stories |
The Shoes of the Fisherman | Turner Entertainment | DVD | Stories |
The Sign of the Cross - Recovering the Power of the Ancient Prayer | Ghezzi, Bert | Book | Prayer |
The Sinner's Guide | Venerable Louis of Granada | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Song of Bernadette | Jones, Jennifer | DVD | Saints |
The Soul of Elizabeth Seton - A Spiritual Portrait | Dirvin, Joseph I. C,M, | Book | Saints |
The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism | Bouyer, Louis | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Spirit of Catholicism | Adam, Karl | Book | What Catholics Believe |
The Spirit of the Liturgy | Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius | Puhl, Louis J. S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius | Mottola, Anthony PhD. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - A New Translation | Puhl, Louis J. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
The Spirituality of the Catholic Church | Kaschmitter, Rev. William A., M.M. | Book | Reference |
The Splendor of Truth | Pope John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The St. Therese of Lisieux Prayer Book | Wright, Vinita Hampton | Book | Prayer |
The Staircase | Hershey/Petersen | DVD | Historic |
The Story of Fatima for Children | Murphy, Rev. Robert J. | Book | Stories |
The Story of Saint Perpetua | Catholic Video's | DVD | Christian Living |
The Story of the Bible | Wansbrough, Henry O.S.B. | Book | Bible Related |
The Story of the Church | McBride, Alfred O. Praem. | Book | Historic |
The Story of the Mass - From the Last Supper to the Present Day | Loret, Pierre | Book | Historic |
The Story of the Miraculous Medal | dos Santos, Armando Alexandre | Book | Historic |
The Tale of Two Testaments | Riley, William | Book | Bible Related |
The Testimony of the Patristic Age Concerning Mary's Death | Burghardt, Walter J. S.J. | Book | Mary |
The Theology of the Body: Human Love in the Divine Plan | Pope John Paul II | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Three Conversions in the Spiritual Life | Garrigou-Lagrange, Fr. Reginald O.P. | Book | Self Help |
The Thrill of the Chaste | Eden, Dawn | Book | Women & Men |
The Tomb of St. Peter | Guarducci, Margherita | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Trial of Christ - A Reappraisal | Gorman, Rev. Ralph | Book | Historic |
The Trial of the Angels and the Battle over the Human Family | Seitz, Fr. Wolfgang ORC | DVD | Misc |
The True Story of Fatima, A Complete Account of the Fatima Apparitions | de Marchi, John I.M.C. | Book | Mary |
The Truth About Saint Joseph - Encountering the Most Hidden of Saints | Meschler, Fr. Maurice, S.J. | Book | Saints |
The Vatican - Behind the Scenes in the Holy City | Carnahan, Ann | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Vatican City and Gardens | Pitrangeli, Carlo | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
The Way | Escriva de Balaguer, Josemaria | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way | Bacovcin, Helen | Book | Saints |
The Way of Divine Love | Menendez, Sister Josefa | Book | Misc |
The Way of Perfection | St. Teresa of Avila | Book | Saints |
The Way of Prayer | St. Teresa of Avila | Book | Saints |
The Way to Inner Peace | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Will of God | Baker, Fr. Kenneth S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen - 365 Days of Inspiration | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Misc |
The Woman Clothed with the Sun - Zaragoza, Guadalupe & Lourdes | EWTN Network | DVD | Mary |
The Women of the Passion | Murphy, Kathleen M. | Book | Women & Men |
The Wonder of Guadalupe | Johnston, Francis | Book | Mary |
The Wonderful Wizard of HA's | Veggie Tales/Big Idea | DVD | Christian Living |
The Word for Every Season | Bergant, Dianne CSA | Book | Clergy |
The Word of God | Pope Benedict XVI | Book | BXV / Pope |
The Word of God The Word of Peace | McCarthy, Patricia | Book | Spiritual Growth |
The Word of the Lord - 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Scripture Study | Smith, Steven C. Ph.D. | Book | Reference |
The World God made | Bergey, Alyce | Book | Stories |
The World Last Night and Other Essays | Lewis, C.S. | Book | Misc |
The World's Religions | Smith, Windton | Book | Misc |
The Year and Our Children - Catholic Family celebrations for Every Season | Newland, Mary Reed | Book | Reference |
The Year of Faith - A Bible Study Guide for Catholics | Pacwa, Fr. Mitch, S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Their Music is Mary | Laube, Clifford J. -editor | Book | Mary |
Theological reflection, Connecting Faith and Life | Gros, Joye O.P. D. Min. | Book | Clergy |
Theology for Beginners: A Modern Classic | Sheed, Frank | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Theology of Ministry | O'Meara, Thomas Franklin, O.P. | Book | Laity |
Theology of the Body Explained - A Commentary on John Paul II's Man and Woman He Created Them | West, Christopher | Book | Reference |
Theology of the Body for Beginners | West, Christopher | Book | Women & Men |
Theology of the Body in One Hour | Evert, Jason | Book | Christian Living |
Therese - Ordinary Girl, Extraordinary Soul | A Leonardo DeFilippis Film | DVD | Saints |
Therese Neumann - A Portrait Based on Authentic Accounts, Journals and Documents | Steiner, Johannes | Book | Historic |
Therese, Ordinary Girl, Extraordinary Soul | Luke Films | DVD | Saints |
These Stones Will Shout | Link, Mark, S.J. | Book | Bible Related |
Thinking Like Jesus - The Psychology of a Faithful Disciple | Guarendi, Dr. Ray | Book | Self Help |
Thirsting for God - A Yearbook of Prayers, Meditations & Ancedotes | Scolozzi, Angelo D. M.C.III.O | Book | Prayer |
Thirty-Day Devotions for the Holy Souls | Tassone, Susan | Book | Prayer |
This Is My Body, This Is My Blood - Miracles of the Eucharist | Lord, Bob & Penny | Book | Stories |
This Is Our Faith | Pennock, Michael Francis | Book | What Catholics Believe |
This is Our Faith A Catechism for Adults | Pennock, Michael Francis | Book | Catechism |
This is the Faith | Ripley, Canon Francis | Book | Reference |
This is When We Begin to Fight - A family's battle against late-term abortion... | Karlen, Steve | Book | Stories |
Thomas Aquinas Spiritual Master | Barron, Robert | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Thomas Aquinas: Selected Commentaries on the New Testament | Paone, Jason C. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Thomas Becket | Barlow, Frank | Book | Historic |
Thomistic Psychology A Philsophic Analysis of the Nature of Man | Brennan, Robert Edward, O.P. | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Three to get Married | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Sacraments |
Through Seasons of the Heart | Powell, John S.J. | Book | Self Help |
Through the Year with Fulton Sheen: Inspirational Readings for Each Day of the Year | Dieterich, Henry | Book | Misc |
Through the Year With Pope Francis | Cotter, Kevin Editor | Book | BXV / Pope |
Tickle Your Soul - Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often | Smollin, Anne Bryan | Book | Self Help |
To Know and Follow Jesus | Hart, Thomas N. | Book | Bible Related |
To Listen is to Heal | Nimeth, Albert J. O.M. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
To Save a Thousand Souls: A Guide for Discerning a Vocation to Diocesan Priesthood | Brannen, Fr. Brett A. | Book | Laity |
To Sleep With the Angels - The Story of a Fire | Cowan, David and Kuenster, John | Book | Stories |
To The Heart of the Matter - The 40 Day Companion to Live a Culture of Life | Carney, Shawn D. | Book | Laity |
To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons | The Marian Movement of Priests | Book | Clergy |
To walk humbly with your God | Landregan, Steve | Book | Historic |
To Walk Together Again - The Sacrament of Reconciliation | Gula, Richard M. S.S. | Book | Sacraments |
Together by Your Side; A Book for Comforting the Sick and Dying | Champlin, Rev. Joseph M. | Book | Laity |
Together for Life | Champlin, Joseph M. | Book | Sacraments |
Totally Catholic A Catechism for Kids and Their Parents and Teachers | Glavich, Mary Kathleen, SND | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Touching the Risen Christ Wisdom of The Fathers | Mitchell, Patricia - General Editor | Book | Philosophy & Early Church Fathers |
Tradition and the Church | Agius, Msgr. George D.D., J.C.D. | Book | Bible Related |
Traditional Catholic Prayers | Dolan, Msgr. Charles J. | Book | Prayer |
Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance | Penrose, Boies | Book | Historic |
Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn | Penguins | DVD | Christian Living |
Troubled Catholics The Lessons of Discontent | Gaughn, Norbert F. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
True Devotion to Mary | de Monfort, St. Louis-Marie Grignion | Book | Mary |
True Devotion to the Holy Spirit | Martinez, Luis M. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
True Heart - A Way to Selflessness | Watson, William M. | Book | Self Help |
Truthfulness - The Future of the Church | Kung, Hans | Book | Historic |
Tuesdays with Morrie | Albom, Mitch | Book | Stories |
Twelve Tough Issues and More What the Curch Teaches and Why | Pilarczyk, Archbishop Daniel E. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
U Got 2 Love | Fortuna, Fr. Stan C.F.R | Book | Self Help |
Under His Wings | DeKok, Joy and Bolley, Cristine | Book | Stories |
Understanding the Mass | Aquilina, Mike | Book | Reference |
Understanding the New Testament and Its Message - An Introduction | Branick, Vincent P. | Book | Bible Related |
Undone - Freeing Your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame | Daunt, Carrie Schuchts | Book | Laity |
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults | USCCB | Book | Catechism |
Unleashed - How to Receive Everything the Holy Spirit Wants to Give You | ?Corbitt, Sonja | Book | Self Help |
Unmasking Apocalyptic Texts | Jonaitis, Dorothy O.P. | Book | Laity |
Unplanned | Johnson, Abby | Book | Stories |
Vatican Council II | Flannery, Austin O.P. | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Vatican II in Plain English - The Council, The Constitutions, The Decrees and Declarations | Huebsch, Bill and Thurmes, Paul | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Vibrant Worship with Youth | St. Mary's Press | Book | Laity |
Vision: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way | Link, Mark S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary | St. Alphonsus Liguori | Book | Saints |
Waiting for Christ; Meditations for Advent and Christmas | St. John Henry Newman | Book | Prayer |
Walking the Sacred Path; Spiritual Exercises for Today | Schutte, Dan | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Walking With God, A Journey Through the Bible | Gray, Tim and Cavins, Jeff | Book | Bible Related |
Wash Each Other's Feet - Healing our Spirit with Relational Ministry | Amosson, Tammy and White, Fr. Gale | Book | Self Help |
Watch and Pray With Me | Rahner, Karl | Book | Prayer |
Way of the Cross - Everyday Stewardship | Welliver, Tracy Earl, MTS | Book | Christian Living |
Way of The Cross - for Loved Ones Who Have Left the Faith | Kirby, Jeffrey Fr., STD | Book | Prayer |
Way to Happiness - An Inspiring Guide to Peace, Hope and Contentment | Sheen, Fulton J. | Book | Misc |
We Believe... A Survey of the Catholic Faith | Lukefahr, Oscar C.M. | Book | Catechism |
Weeds Among the Wheat - Discernment: Where Prayer & Action Meet | Green, Thomas H., S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Wellsprings A Book of Spiritual Exercises | de Mello, Anthony S.J. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
What Are They Saying About Moral Norms? | Gula, Richards M S.S. | Book | Christian Living |
What Catholics Really Believe | Guarendi, Dr. Ray, Fete, Rev. Kevin | DVD | What Catholics Believe |
What Does God Want - A Practical Guide to Making Decisions | Scanlan, Michael T.O.R. | Book | Self Help |
What God Has Joined: A Catholic Teaching on Marriage | Vann, Kevin W. | Book | Sacraments |
What I Wish My Christian Friends Knew about Judaism | Schoen, Robert | Book | Misc |
What Jesus Saw from the Cross | Sertillanges, A. G. | Book | Historic |
What to Say When - The Complete New Guide to Discussing Abortion | Carney, Shawn D. Karlen, Steve | Book | Reference |
What's A Person to Do? | Latkovic, Mark S. | Book | Christian Living |
When and How to Use Mental Health Resources | Haugk, Kenneth C. | Book | Self Help |
When Only One Converts | Nordhagen, Lynn | Book | Self Help |
When the Trees Say Nothing | Merton, Thomas | Book | Misc |
When the Well Runs Dry - Prayer Beyond the Begininngs | Green, Thomas H. S.J. | Book | Prayer |
Where We Got the Bible - Our Debt to the Catholic Church | Graham, Right Rev. Henry G. | Book | Reference |
While Your Were Gone A Handbook for Returning Catholics | Bausch, William J. | Book | Coming Home |
White Wolves A Cry in the Wild II | Family Films | DVD | Stories |
Who Am I to Judge - Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love | Sri, Edward | Book | Reference |
Why Be Catholic | Guarendi, Dr. Ray | DVD | Reference |
Why Be Catholic - Ten Answers to a Very Imp[ortant Question | Madrid, Patrick | Book | Catechism |
Why Be Catholic? Understanding Our Experience and Tradition | Rohr, Richard and Martos, Joseph | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Why Catholic? Christian Prayer, Deepening My Experience of God | Renew International | Book | Prayer |
Why do Catholics Do That? A Guide to the Teachings and Practices of the Catholic Church | Johnson, Kevin Orlin, Ph.D. | Book | What Catholics Believe |
Why Doesn't God Show His Face? Making Sense of Divine Hiddenness | Broussard, Karlo | DVD | Reference |
Why Enough is Never Enough - Overcoming Worries about money- A Catholic Perspective | Jeffrey, Gregory S. | Book | Self Help |
Why God Hides and Where to find Him | Portavella, Fr. John | Book | Misc |
Why God Still Matters | Broussard, Karlo | DVD | Reference |
Why I Love Being Catholic | Kelly, Matthew | Book | Stories |
Why the Rosary, Why Now? | Crowe, Gretchen R. | Book | Prayer |
Why You Can Trust the Gospels | Akin, Jimmy | DVD | Reference |
Wisdom From Saints Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal | Perrotta, Louise | Book | Saints |
Wisdom's Many Faces | Hill, R. Charles | Book | Bible Related |
Witchcraft & The Occult - Catholic Answers | Arnold, Michelle | Book | What Catholics Believe |
With Burning Hearts | Nouwen, Henri J. M. | Book | Spiritual Growth |
With Jesus to the Cross | The Word Among Us | Book | Bible Related |
Without Roots - The West, Relativism, Christanity, Islam | Ratzinger, Joseph | Book | BXV / Pope |
Witness to Hope - The Biography of Pope John Paul II | Weigel, George | Book | Vatican / John Paul II |
Woman at Mid-Life Moving Beyond Stereotypes | Dale, Vernie | Book | Self Help |
Women and Teaching | Harris, Maria | Book | Women & Men |
Women in the New Testament | Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann | Book | Women & Men |
Women of the Bible | Smith, Carol | Book | Women & Men |
Women: First Among the Faithful | Moloney, Francis J. SDB | Book | Women & Men |
Words From Heaven - Messages of Our Lady from Medjugorje | 'Two Friends of Medjugorje' | Book | Historic |
Words to Love By... | Mother Teresa | Book | Saints |
Worshipping Well - A Mass Guide for Planners and Participants | Mick, Lawrence E. | Book | Laity |
You Can Understand the Bible: A Practical and Illuminating Guide to Each Book of the Bible | Kreeft, Peter | Book | Bible Related |
You Converted Me | Edmonson, Robert J. C.J. | Book | Stories |
You Did It for Me | McKenna, Kevin E. | Book | Women & Men |
You Did It to Me | Gaitley, Michael E. MIC | Book | Laity |
You're Amazing | Fatica, Justin | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Youcat | Miller, Michael J. | Book | Catechism |
Youcat - Confirmation Book | Meuser, Bernard and Baer, Nils | Book | Sacraments |
Your God Is Too Boring | Leonetti, Jon | Book | Spiritual Growth |
Your One-Stop Guide to The Bible | Perrotta, Kevin | Book | Reference |